We have 371958 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 371958 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society | Professeur agrégé | Lone Chaucerian at Université Paris Nanterre (CREA) | Cat person | Trying hard not to go nuts because of academia | He/him
What’s up? I’m Kate (she/hers) 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 💓 digital curation and preservation 💪🏻 worker rights 🛠 digital humanities research data management and digital special collections and archives 👩🏫 adjunct professor - library and information science 👩💻 works at the University of Oregon 🏒 Bruins fan
Historian of Early Modern Britain, History of women, the family, gender, medicine. Program manager for the Dan David Prize. All opinions are my own. She/her.
Digital Humanities researcher interested in Linked Open Data, usability and sustainability | Postdoc on Tools of Knowledge at National Museums Scotland | Visiting Fellow in Classical Studies at Open University
I’m a historian and hacker who researches the possibilities and politics of digital cultural collections.
My main project at the moment is the #GLAMWorkbench, which brings together many examples, tools, code and tutorials to help people explore the digital collections of galleries, libraries, archives, and museums.
Compte personnel.
Médiéviste, maitresse de conférence à l'Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin. Je travaille sur l'histoire économique et sociale des débuts de l'imprimerie en Italie.
A l'heure de la grande #twittermigration, j'imagine ce compte comme une forme de carnet de bord, avec les aspects de ma vie de chercheuse et d'enseignante que j'aurais envie de partager et de discuter avec vous ! Politique incluse.
Historian of modern East Asia he/himLecturer at University of St AndrewsFrom Stavanger, NorwayLive in Edinburgh, ScotlandAccount searchable #transnationalhistory #spatialhistory #japanesehistory #taiwanhistory #koreanhistory #chinesehistory #eastasianhistory #gischat #qgis #dh #rstats #python #digitalhumanities #openaccess #scholarlycomms #internetarchive #digitization #archives #digitalarchives #histodons #asianists #UnivStAndrewsHist #UnivStAndrews
Student and researcher in Digital Humanities @ Unifg, bass player and huge fan of open access, orecchiette, haiku, myths and technology used for social good.
Currently working on text mining, human-computer interaction and educational technology.
I'm daniel and I'm the politics curator working at the library of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). I'm an archivist, a curator, and a library-worker. I also run the @exploreyourarchive account.
I'm interested in archives, history, libraries, italian, words, and south asia.