Fediverse | Members
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We have 360310 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360310 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Disabled with lots of brain fog - please be patient with me if I miss something obvious! Biromantic ace; kind of "eh" about NSFW but it might come up occasionally (with CWs, of course).
Special interests: Pokemon and spiders!
Some other interests: art, jokes, various other fandoms (like MDZS, SVSSS, TGCF, WoH, and SPN), pretty photography
Emily ♥️🐧🏳️⚧️🎲♥️
I am the plucked chicken Big Plato doesn't want you to know about. 27 yo married ancom transbian with too many hobbies, and yet never enough :P
Gérard Binkhorst
Software engineer within a Telco. Working with Hadoop, Java, SQL, bash scripting, Python, javascript, C and increasingly with Rust. Although not very active anymore I still have my ham radio license (pa3eev) and keep reading about radio technology and am still able to communicate in Morse code manually. I love biking and running and enjoy good meals and wines.
Eric Hendrickson
[url=https://mastodon.radio/tags/HamRadio]#HamRadio[/url] hobbyist, RF communications enthusiast in general, writer, publisher. Retired IT manager with a love for technical writing.
Visit me at [url=https://w6hs.net]https://w6hs.net[/url]
Amelia Arts
Commission open
Professional graphic designer ,pfp, OCS , character design,video editor,2d,3d, logos banners and twitch emotes are available 😉✨💓
Mark McCaughrean
Senior Advisor for Science & Exploration at ESA / JWST Science Working Group Interdisciplinary Scientist / Co-founder Space Rocks / Refugee from the other place / Opinions very much own
Located in The Netherlands, so expect lots of cycling with wide horizons & big skies 🚴♂️
Joe Scott :bot: @nula.pub
This is a [url=https://nula.pub]nula.pub[/url] bot posting [url=https://nebula.tv/joescott]media by Joe Scott[/url] on Nebula
FediNINA WeidenOberpfalz
Warnmeldungen für Weiden in der Oberpfalz.
FediNINA ist ein inoffizielles Projekt, das die Informationen des Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe für die einzelnen Kreise, Regionen und Städte in das Fediverse bringt.
Weitere Informationen und die Liste aller FediNINA-Accounts: [url=https://meta.prepedia.org/wiki/FediNINA]https://meta.prepedia.org/wiki/FediNINA[/url]
Fragen bitte an [url=https://social.prepedia.org/@FediNINA]@FediNINA[/url] richten.
Wichtig: Dieses Projekt ist noch in einem experimentellen Entwicklungsstadium.
Die emotionale Seite von [url=https://social.lsnet.eu/@ls]@ls[/url]
Stranger on this planet but mostly harmless. (Der Name ist aber eher wegen der Alliteration gewählt.)
Nicht 'nur für Ventilatoren', aber auch nicht nur jugendfreie Themen, daher 🔒.
Wer folgen möchte, sollte (muss) daher volljährig und aufgeschlossen sein und Du solltest entweder ein aussagekräftiges Profil haben oder ich sollte Dich anderweitig zuordnen können. Nicht böse sein falls ich Anfragen nicht annehme.
Erik's Scrum Journey
Dies ist mein privater Reiseblog in die agile Welt des Scrum.
St. Pauli POP
[strong]Was ist der St. Pauli POP Podcast[/strong]? - [em]“Ein launiges Tribünengespräch über den FCSP, die Mannschaft, das Viertel, Musik und Anekdoten rund um St. Pauli.”[/em] - Millerntor, Reeperbahn; Pop-Kultur und Bundesliga-Fußball, in diesem Spannungsfeld des FC St. Pauli podcasten die Hosts seit 2016 live on tape aus St. Pauli.
St. Pauli tl;dr
[strong]Short episodes in plain English, ramping up the discussions, the projects and the matches of the most interesting football club in Germany: the FC St. Pauli (FCSP)[/strong]
Brought to you by ST. POP the German podcast around the club and the district St. Pauli in Hamburg*
[em]*voices and support by Google Notebook LM[/em]
Auteure de light novels et vidéaste multitâche. [url=https://tooter.social/@journaldesbriques]@journaldesbriques[/url] [url=https://pixelfed.fr/lnfr]@lnfr[/url]
Data Science | AI | Python | AWS
Melissa Lee ☮️⚛️
[url=https://mas.to/tags/T1D]#T1D[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/diabetes]#diabetes[/url] Patient Advocate * Singer [url=https://mas.to/tags/DParodies]#DParodies[/url] * Writer [url=http://SweetlyVoiced.com]http://SweetlyVoiced.com[/url] * Grammar geek * leading [url=https://mas.to/tags/instructionaldesign]#instructionaldesign[/url] for Insulet * Mom of 2 [url=https://mas.to/tags/neurodivergent]#neurodivergent[/url] kids * [url=https://mas.to/tags/progressive]#progressive[/url]
Martha Hampson
Research & strategy, mostly children's services. Alum Camden Council, Innovation Unit. South Londoner. Open University student.
Malarvilie Krishnasamy
Leadership Consultant & Coach
⚡@InstituteLM accredited courses
⚡TypeCoach Certified
⚡Advisor [url=https://mstdn.social/@GoodNugget]@GoodNugget[/url]
⚡Founder of [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/TheCoachingCollaborative]#TheCoachingCollaborative[/url]
[url=https://mstdn.social/tags/edutooter]#edutooter[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/edleadership]#edleadership[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/educoach]#educoach[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/education]#education[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/teacher5aday]#teacher5aday[/url]
Sleepy's Trek 🖖🪚💻
DIY, Woodworking, Life, & Everything Else
Star Trek 🖖
Narcoleptic 😴
I ❤️ 🔩
I'm Sleepy. Nice to meet you.
Mark Andrew Thomas
My name is Mark Andrew Thomas and I'm a photographer and filmmaker currently residing in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I live here with my dachshund boy Jack-Jack who loves travel and adventure as much as I do! I grew up in Florida right next to the Everglades and although I photograph a wide variety of subjects and locations, the Florida Everglades will always be my first love.
Javier C.
🎓 Profe/Traductor
🧑🏻💻 Estudiando Ciberseguridad
📸 Fotógrafo por hobby.
👎 Desinformación.
Der Schulentwicklungsagent
Ich bin Schulentwickler bei einem mittelgroßen privaten Schulträger und meine Mission ist die Ermöglichung von zeitgemäßer Bildung im Zeitalter der Digitalität. Beim Nachdenken darüber entstehen Texte, die ich gerne auf SEagent.de und hier im Podcast teile, denn [url=https://podcasts.social/tags/sharingiscaring]#sharingiscaring[/url].
Gratian Riter [url=https://bildung.social/@GratianRiter]@GratianRiter[/url]
[url=https://mastodon.ml/tags/%D0%A1%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B9]#Слепой[/url] программист из Санкт-Петербурга.
В прошлом пловец, паралимпийский призёр, а в настоящем - просто хороший человек :)
[url=https://mastodon.ml/tags/Blind]#Blind[/url] developer, former professional [url=https://mastodon.ml/tags/swimmer]#swimmer[/url] with paralympic 🥉; now just a good person to chat with. :D
Java Enthusiast