[url=]#Management[/url] [url=]#Consultant[/url], medieval [url=]#Jew[/url] of the [url=]#Oregon[/url] (aka Galuta D'Galuta), proud supporter of the national liberation movement of one of Eretz Yisrael's indigenous peoples, the Jews, & advocate for peace & justice for all, aka [url=]#progressive[/url] [url=]#Zionist[/url]. Also [url=]#scientist[/url], [url=]#granola[/url] artisan, [url=]#poet[/url], [url=]#political[/url] junkie, [url=]#Talmud[/url] learner, [url=]#Siddur[/url] [url=]#translator[/url], [url=]#parent[/url] of young adults (where are my grandkids already?!), Contemplator of the Heavens, holds by Ben Ish Chai -[url=]#bikes[/url] are mutar on [url=]#Shabbat[/url]