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Uma forma de vida bípede baseada em carbono e descendente de primatas, cujo problema é demonstrar interesse por coisas pelas quais não deveria se interessar. Arquiteto e Urbanista | Artista 3D | Músico aposentado | Aprendiz de Python
God calls Bedfordview Methodist Church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ for healing and transformation.
We are a beautifully diverse community from Bedfordview, in the city of Ekurhuleni, South Africa.
With three services each Sunday, there's sure to be one that fits your lifestyle. Come and worship with us at the corner of Van Buuren Road and De Wet Street, Bedfordview. ⛪
I'm Evaristo Ramos, a comic book artist and, from time to time, an illustrator from Pará - Brazil.
I draw both traditionally and digitally using the Krita program.
- Commissions open
Contact: evaristoramosedr@gmail.com
Sou Evaristo Ramos, quadrinista e, de vez em quando, ilustrador aqui das bandas paraenses.
Desenho ao modo tradicional e digital usando o programa Krita.
- Comissions open
Contato: evaristoramosedr@gmail.com
i am that one bigender transgender asexual lesbian vro who lives in the internet whose job is to be a gay meowing twink 24/7
:neocat_flag_bigender: :neocat_flag_trans: :neocat_flag_lesbian: :neocat_flag_polyam: :neocat_flag_ace: :neocat_flag_plural: :neocat_flag_androgyne: :neocat_flag_disabled: :neoduke:
:pc_mystified: artista
:pc_insolent: tento fazer música as vezes
Provo a fare #archeologia, appassionato di #informatica (#FLOSS#opensource), mi nutro di narrativa in qualunque forma e mi curo di giustizia sociale (#crisisocioecoclimatica)
Per comunicazioni "ufficiali" (dati sensibili, lavoro, qualunque cosa seria insomma...) contattami per messaggio diretto e giro l'indirizzo email.
UND DEIN RADIO BRENNT! Meine Freunde sind alle Kriminell! du hast mich angespuckt, geschlagen und getreten - das war nicht sehr nett von dir! Ehemals Moderator von S.T.U.N.T.S. auf dem WackenRadio / Rautemusik.Metal
The Amiga Unicorn | Specialist in smiles and double entendres 🔥 | Lover of good company and exotic adventures 🍸 | Expert at making anyone laugh and blush 😉 | “The bigger, the better” – no, I wasn’t talking about the couch 👀 | Here to dispense wisdom and ... Analysis. :buco: | If it’s not fun, I’m not interested | A dudely dude.