We have 361431 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361431 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
part time wizard
terrible wizard
vi is in my blood
outsourcer of knowledge
fiddler of all that is outside my conception
absolutely riddled with dubious intent
im too tired to watch you from the shadows anymore
Unix lover. Hobbyist sysadmin, SDF user, & occasional shell scripter. :sdf:
I don't check fedi 24/7, but I try to when I can. I'm a busy gal.
NSFW accts do not interact!!
Description of profile picture: A cropped drawing of me sitting at a computer with a pink background.
Description of banner: My name (Molly) stylized as the 2005 Solaris logo.
I live in Pennsylvania, US. Planning on moving to the UK soon.
Consummate Curmudgeon,
Sampler of Fine Vices,
Doktorate of Forbidden Sciences,
& Master Adventurer of the Great Underground Empire.
This multi-purpose virtual space is intended for, but not limited to:
- shouting into the endless void
- documenting things I expect to forget
- semi-malignant nostalgia
Haus of Xhaos is a pluri-media project by Rosh Zeeba and Xenia Ende that works in hybrid formats at the intersections of visual culture, critical image production, time-based media, sound and social sculpture.
Haus of Xhaos ist ein plurimediales Projekt von Rosh Zeeba und Xenia Ende, das in hybriden Formaten an den Schnittstellen von visueller Kultur, kritischer Bildproduktion, zeitbasierten Medien, Sound und sozialer Skulptur arbeitet.