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We have 362363 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362363 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Funmi Ford
🇳🇬Naija Babe
Wife | Mum| Creator
Love Affair with Fashion, Faith, Family!
Die Weltbühne
Inoffizieller Account der beiden Wochenzeitschriften "Das Blättchen" und "Ossietzky".
Trötet den RSS-Feed der beiden Websites.
Auld Foggerty
Scottish (pro-indy), of a certain age.
Epicurean/Buddhist/mostly vegan.
writer of comedy & music.
Likes furry animals, quietude, books.
Bright Hope Orphanage Centre
This is the life I chose because its where I came from a change starts with you, with just one person ONE DOLLAR, ONE COIN, That small money you call small can make a less privileged kid get some thing to eat
Give a chance to little ones they are the next. generation be part of these kids' daily lives,
You can sponsor one kid's education
Lynda Read
Our life is all grounded and rooted in love, and without love we may not live. Julian of Norwich.l. 🚫Lists plz. she/her
Milwaukee WI (soon to be the belly of the Beast gop convention 2024)
Joe Welch
Making and posting a photo a day with my Fujifilm X100VI. Hopefully learning something along the way. More on IG [url=https://gram.social/JoeW723]@JoeW723[/url]
9 o'clock Hashtag Games (backup)
[url=https://oldfriends.live/@hashtaggames]Backup emergency account for 9 o'clock Hashtag Games at hashtagGames@oldFriends.Live[/url]! Will only post here if that account is down. This account is unattended.
Engagierte Jugend Neustadt
Wir sind die Engagierte Jugend Neustadt e.V. aus Neustadt an der Weinstraße.
🙌🏽 Jugendliche im Alter von ca. 13 - 27
🏠 Selbstverwaltetes Jugendzentrum 📍 Gerichtstr. 6a, 67433 Neustadt a. d. Wstr.
TaT - Theater am Turm
🎭✨ Herzlich Willkommen beim Theater am Turm! ✨🎭
Wir freuen uns, euch hier ab sofort über unsere Vorstellungen, Premieren und spannenden Einblicken hinter den Kulissen zu informieren. Ob treue Fans, Interessierte oder Theater-Neulinge – wir freuen uns auf den Austausch und darauf, die Magie des Theaters weitergeben zu können und mit euch gemeinsam zu erleben!
Bis bald im Theater – live oder digital!
[url=https://sueden.social/tags/TaT]#TaT[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/TheateramTurm]#TheateramTurm[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/B%C3%BChne]#Bühne[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/Villingen]#Villingen[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/Kultur]#Kultur[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/Theater]#Theater[/url] [url=https://sueden.social/tags/Schauspiel]#Schauspiel[/url]
Rachel Murphy Azzara
Founder and Executive Director, Democrats Work For America. Political activist/strategist. [url=https://mas.to/tags/DemsWork4USA]#DemsWork4USA[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/WinBlue]#WinBlue[/url]
Twitter: @rachelazzara
IG: @rachelmurphyazzara
Archéologue féministe. Fondatrice du projet Paye ta Truelle, qui lutte pour l'égalité et la diversité en [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/arch%C3%A9ologie]#archéologie[/url].
Feminist archaeologist. Founder of the Paye ta Truelle project, which fights for equality and diversity in French-speaking [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/archaeology]#archaeology[/url].
Tomek Szymański
CEO at SoftwareMill, ex-engineer, current-manager, geek, MBA, father, occasional gardener
Suji Yan
Founder of Mask.io
Maintain some fedi instances
Alex Dong
Enjoying “the pleasure of design and some despair and the indescribable joy of creation.” Dad. Husband. CEO. Foilist. Urban Farmer. 80% maker; 20% manager.
Paul McCarthy-Brain
CEO Flip-Pay, The content monetisation platform
Tech Director of KitchTech
[url=https://noc.social/@penguinbasher]@penguinbasher[/url] on twitter and post.news
Mike Julian
CEO at The Duckbill Group. We help you optimize and manage your AWS bill. I mainly write about consulting and engineering here.
Claudio Alvarez
Intrépido y vivaz. Periodista. Ex-libretista de humor para la tele. CEO de Acción Comics, socio de ArtistGo! y panelista de [url=https://lile.cl/tags/SomosLegion]#SomosLegion[/url]. Autor de historietas.
Sarah Thomas, PhD
🇭🇹 100% Educator. Regional Tech Coordinator (9-5), [url=https://mastodon.education/tags/EduMatch]#EduMatch[/url] Founder/CEO (24/7). We all have a story. What's yours?
Elaina Ryan
CEO of Children's Books Ireland, co-programmer of Towers and Tales children's book festival in Lismore. Parent, book person.
Alexander Sladek
Co-Founder/CEO der All Channels Communication Austria. Nebenerwerbs-Forstwirt. Treffsicher beim [url=https://wien.rocks/tags/WSC]#WSC[/url]-[url=https://wien.rocks/tags/P%C3%A9tanque]#Pétanque[/url].
Pierre A Fournier
CEO [url=https://toot.community/@hexoskin]@hexoskin[/url] - Physiological data for research, prevention, rehabilitation, & (tele)medicine. [url=https://toot.community/tags/Healthcare]#Healthcare[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/AI]#AI[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/Pulmonology]#Pulmonology[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/Cardiology]#Cardiology[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/Space]#Space[/url]
👉🏼 [url=http://hexoskin.com]http://hexoskin.com[/url]
Bio: linkedin.com/in/pafournier
William Azaroff
Hi, I’m a [url=https://social.coop/tags/values]#values[/url]-driven executive, intermittent [url=https://social.coop/tags/writer]#writer[/url], capable board director, recovering [url=https://social.coop/tags/filmmaker]#filmmaker[/url] & happy [url=https://social.coop/tags/Vancouver]#Vancouver[/url]-ite. I’m the CEO @ Brightside [url=https://social.coop/tags/Community]#Community[/url] Homes Foundation, Board Chair @ [url=https://social.coop/tags/BC]#BC[/url] [url=https://social.coop/tags/Nonprofit]#Nonprofit[/url] [url=https://social.coop/tags/Housing]#Housing[/url] Association.
I wrote a book: Everything I Learned About [url=https://social.coop/tags/Leadership]#Leadership[/url] I Learned From Filmmaking. Available at [url=https://azaroff.com/book]https://azaroff.com/book[/url]
The Grand Exposure ♾️
Mid-forties male, CEO of my own software/IP consulting company, and all-around geek. I love movies, comics, cooking, and taking pictures of anything and everything. These days, you can find me sharing my thoughts on the philosophy of photography through my blog. And when I'm not running my company or writing, you might catch me gaming or settling disputes with a friendly race of Super Mario Kart. Oh, and I'm not afraid to tackle difficult subjects - both in my posts and in life ;-)
ceo of fun :rubii_comf:enemy of pilk :rubii_gun:
used to be active on niu.moe and giga.is (as gigaa).
AMA: [url=https://retrospring.net/rubii]retrospring.net/rubii[/url]ALT: @rubii@pl.inu.is
Pascal Baratoux
Accélérateur de transformation
Entrepreneur - CEO Innovalead | Partenaire [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/Solainn]#Solainn[/url] [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/LesCasdOr]#LesCasdOr[/url] | [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/TransFoNum]#TransFoNum[/url] [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/NumFrance]#NumFrance[/url] [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/Num%C3%A9riqueFrance]#NumériqueFrance[/url]