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We have 361436 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361436 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
IT Guru, DevOps specialist, AI & ML coder, Python, Ruby, PHP, C#, C++, C and SQL superuser, Data miner and analysis executioner
Preetha Chatterjee
Asst. Prof. of Computer Science at Drexel University | Research on mining software repositories, empirical software engineering
Koen Yskout
Secure software. Magic tricks. How stuff works.
Philipp Leitner
Associate Professor of Cloud-Based Software Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.
Broadly interested in Internet systems and software performance.
Marco Constantino
I work with Computers
Markus Borg
Principal researcher, CodeScene
Adjunct lecturer, Lund University
Daniel Rodriguez
University of Alcala
Michael Dorner
Software engineering researcher at BTH, Sweden. Open science worrier and advocate for more simulation and replication studies in software engineering research. LaTeX fanatic.
Rahul Gopinath
Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia. ശ്രീദേവി's Dad. I work in the junction between Software Engineering and Cybersecurity. Interested in Program Analysis, Automatic Repair, Mutation Analysis, Specification Mining, Grammar Based Generators and Parsing.
My main social account is [url=https://gopinath.org/@rahul]https://gopinath.org/@rahul[/url] follow me there.
Jorge Melegati
Researcher @unibz, Italy. Interested on software startups, agile methods, and human factors of software engineering.
Norman Peitek
Postdoc @ Saarland University/Saarland Informatics Campus
Marco Torchiano
Full Prof. Sw Engineering at PoliTo. Fellow Nexa Center. Member UNINFO CT504. Empirical and quantitative researcher and data visualizer. Mountain hiker.
Matt Hurd
Integrating high-level trading and low-level latency. I don't know the answers as I struggle to find the right questions...
[url=https://hachyderm.io/tags/cpp]#cpp[/url] [url=https://hachyderm.io/tags/CPlusPlus]#CPlusPlus[/url]
Georg Simhandl
Software Engineering x Cognitive Computing PostDoc @UniVie, CEO @adaptivia
Saad Shafiq
Post-doc Researcher
Shiva Nejati
Professor in Software Engineering at the University of Ottawa shnejati.github.io
Liming Zhu
Dr Liming Zhu is a Research Director at CSIRO's Data61 and a conjoint full professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). He is the chairperson of Standards Australia's blockchain and distributed ledger committee and on AI trustworthiness-related committees. His research interests include software architecture, distributed systems, blockchain, SE4AI and responsible AI.
TUM CIT - Applied SE
Applied Software Engineering
School of Computation, Information and Technology
Eleni Constantinou
Assistant Professor at the University of Cyprus. Software Evolution, Software Ecosystems, Mining Software Repositories
Thanh Le-Cong
I'm a first-year PhD Student at The University of Melbourne, working on automated tools for detecting, managing and fixing bugs. My current focus is automated program repair. If want to know more about me, please visit my homepage at thanhlecongg.github.io
Diego Elias Costa
Assistant Professor of Software Engineering at UQAM
Yannic Noller
CS Professor at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
ICST 2024
The 17th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (Toronto, Canada). Our hashtag: [url=https://mastodon.acm.org/tags/ICST2024]#ICST2024[/url]
Preetha Chatterjee
Asst. Prof. of Computer Science at Drexel University | Research on mining software repositories, empirical software engineering
Dave from Burnout Café
Dave frequents Dalek Zone and Burnout Café. Among other things, he builds websites, loves Linux and his cat, and occasionally talks to people. Dave empathises closely with Lister from the Red Dwarf and Ford Prefect from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Like them, he's mostly harmless. Dave shouldn't write his bio at 5 a.m., a time at which you should only be sleeping or drinking coffee. Maybe it's time for another coffee at Dave Café...
[url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/linux]#linux[/url] [url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/foss]#foss[/url] [url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/cats]#cats[/url] [url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/davecafe]#davecafe[/url] [url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/dalekzone]#dalekzone[/url] [url=https://burnout.cafe/tags/burnoutcafe]#burnoutcafe[/url]