We have 362351 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362351 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Programmer and Software Engineering Researcher. Curious about developer tools and empirical software engineering.
Pronouns: he/him.
@keheliya on Twitter
Software engineering researcher with broad interests in everything from information theory to psychology. I stay close to smart people so I learn stuff :)
Associate Professor of Cloud-Based Software Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.
Broadly interested in Internet systems and software performance.
Software engineering researcher at BTH, Sweden. Open science worrier and advocate for more simulation and replication studies in software engineering research. LaTeX fanatic.
Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia. ശ്രീദേവി's Dad. I work in the junction between Software Engineering and Cybersecurity. Interested in Program Analysis, Automatic Repair, Mutation Analysis, Specification Mining, Grammar Based Generators and Parsing.
My main social account is https://gopinath.org/@rahul follow me there.
Full Prof. Sw Engineering at PoliTo. Fellow Nexa Center. Member UNINFO CT504. Empirical and quantitative researcher and data visualizer. Mountain hiker.