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We have 361355 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361355 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.
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Willow Brook 💜


Call me whatever, but I like Paradox or Willow. Say whatever you want to me. I won't mind. Don't be thought police. Diplomacy when you can, force when you must. He/she, polylove. Twink. Horny advocate. Don't be afraid to hornypost. This account emits horny energy~ Flirt with me Infodump on me Ask me for advice Tell me what you're doing That's all I care about. I miss busshi. Vents: [url=https://blob.cat/users/vignedox]@vignedox[/url] Horny rp: [url=https://denden.world/@willow]@willow[/url] Story bits: [url=https://paradox17.itch.io]https://paradox17.itch.io[/url] Social platform project: [url=http://grotto.im]http://grotto.im[/url]

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what about me?

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🔞 •26 •Trans girl •UK

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I build and play devices to produce sounds and noises.

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This is an 18+ account! Trans girl here to post lewds and nudes! ❤️ I'm going to try and post at least one nude/lewd every day here, so stick around for lots of horny fun. All interactions are welcomed and appreciated(Boosts, Favorites, Messages and especially Follows). Sexual Orientation: bi-sexual(omni) Pronouns: She/her/hers Relationship status: Polyam Position: Switch

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mezzo plays... games


Casual stream usually going live with various games on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 18.00h UTC. Remarkably unremarkable professional loot gremlin.

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She/Her Local goddess en route to steal your vocal folds I have been called funny on occasion Over 20 last I checked Poly?, technically bisexual, practically a lesbian. Names: Sarah, Amanda Nicknames: Mandy, Ammy Formerly AmFormica@blahaj.zone

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Staren, the Last Stardaughter


37F Coder and aspiring game designer • MU*/Tabletop RPer and all-around geeky girl • Mostly SFW • HRT since 2021-06-07🏳️‍⚧️ Tumblr: scottbert85 / Github: LastStardaughter

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I'm gay af and post lewd stuff Minors dni 🔞 Poly/demisexual/girls~ ❤️ Fansly :3 [url=https://fans.ly/UwUK4thy]https://fans.ly/UwUK4thy[/url]

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On some days I shout out a random user so we can all appreciate their existence. Thank you for existing! ❤️ Sometimes I also do something else, but you'll just have to follow me and see. I'll also try to remember your birthday if you published it on your profile (as far as I know only Misskey and forks supports this). If you have [url=https://genau.qwertqwefsday.eu/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url] in your profile description, I will mention you in a way that does not generate a notification for you. Also, by the way, trans rights are human rights! ​:blobfoxevil:​🏳️‍⚧️

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Casual stream which often yields... unusual results

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Not really active here, just meant to be a place where I can goof off. Posting random crap to make you feel better. I'm here to cure your depresso espresso. I do computers at [url=https://techhub.social/@allinone0]@allinone0@techhub.social[/url] Youtube stuff: [url=https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCHenuujV4SPK4iPcvLEDJPg]https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCHenuujV4SPK4iPcvLEDJPg[/url] Also have a pet rock named Tojun! [url=https://fedi.absturztau.be/tag/itsafact]#itsafact[/url] [url=https://fedi.absturztau.be/tag/nobot]#nobot[/url]

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Hi! I'm Jamie. I'm 45. I live on the Canadian prairies. Ages ago I worked in IT, but the world moved away from my skills so I ended up a long haul cross border trucker for a bit, now I work in the semi trailer yard as a shunt driver. So I'm an extremely rare spawn blue collar transwoman. :blobderpverified: Don't be fooled, though, I'm a hardcore geek down to the marrow. Linux on my desktop since 1994. My hobbies are VR, 3D Printing and Miniature Wargaming ❤️ My main VR headset is a Pimax Crystal, I have FBT gear, a facial tracker, bHaptics and OwO gear, and a Katwalk C2+. I play [url=https://fedi.jametek.com/tag/onepagerules]#OnePageRules[/url] [url=https://fedi.jametek.com/tag/grimdark]#GrimDark[/url] Future :blobar: FDM 3D printers: :ams: :ams: :x1c: :ams: :ams: Bambu X1C + AMSx4 :A1: :AMSlite: Bambu A1 + AMS Lite :a1mini: :AMSlite: Bambu A1 Mini + AMS Lite :crealityk1: Creality K1 Resin Printing Stuff: :M5sPro: Anycubic M5s Pro :saturn4ultra: Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra :washandcure3plus: Anycubic Wash and Cure 3 Plus Printables: [url=https://www.printables.com/@JameJame_1168006]https://www.printables.com/@JameJame_1168006[/url] Printers I'm Getting Rid of :sv07: Sovol SV07 (BLTouch, Heated Enclosure, G10 Bed) :neptune4max: Elegoo Neptune 4 Max

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专业开锁配钥匙,疏通下水道,小家电维修,歼星舰补漆,核弹加燃料,肯德基代吃。 目前只接最后一项(

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◉ [Lvl 23] Snow (Ellie)


if you knew me a month ago, hi. im better now. Hi! We're the Snow system! This account is now my main account, I wont be doing much of anything on [url=https://ck.catwithaclari.net/@dowotdashdotdot@woem.men]@dowotdashdotdot@woem.men[/url] anymore. AuDHD gremlin, that neuro sure can divergent evil poly pansexual lesbian madly gay for my wifey, Skye, but shes not on fedi :( Tries to be up on using alt text, may forget from time to time May post/boost lewd stuff, tries to keep it under CW but just be warned

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enderprism :neofox_flag_gay:



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[Sunsetted][Milofinist] Lesbuna


This account won't be used anymore, unless stricktely necessary,, 👋 Heyya, Im one of the stellar girls that goes by the name of Luna :3 I love software engineering, walking, biking and other cool stuff ! Im [url=https://lea.pet/tags/French]#French[/url] and I love my country. 🖤 My adowable girlfwen ❤️ [url=https://lea.pet/@lumi@stryder.cc]@lumi@stryder.cc[/url] 🖤 My wonderful wives ❤️ [url=https://lea.pet/@ActuallyAubrey@void.lgbt]@ActuallyAubrey@void.lgbt[/url] Sabrina ♡♡♡ Jade Ivy Violet Giulia Zora January [url=https://lea.pet/@ActuallyAubrey@void.lgbt]@ActuallyAubrey@void.lgbt[/url] 🖤 My cute floret ❤️ [url=https://lea.pet/@tjhexf@transfem.social]@tjhexf@transfem.social[/url] 🖤 ------------------------ ❤️ Am an extremly variable and unstable tranfem, I can break at any point, so don't worry about me :3 I may (re)post NSFW content so be warned (they'll be CWed), I also tend to flirt if I feel like it. I use AnarchixLinux btw (A transinit linux distro, born as Artix transitionned to Arch) Pirvate alt: [url=https://lea.pet/@lina]@lina[/url] (follow request restricted) Reviews: - "a very sweet and calming creature to talk to, girl-shaped, french/10" [url=https://lea.pet/@NotThatDeep@transfem.social]@NotThatDeep@transfem.social[/url] - "very gay, very cute, very cat, a solid 10/10" [url=https://lea.pet/@gen@ck.catwithaclari.net]@gen@ck.catwithaclari.net[/url]- "i used to think your username was a keysmash" [url=https://lea.pet/@lunahd@labyrinth.zone]@lunahd@labyrinth.zone[/url] - "gay cutie

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Pan! ⚙️ :flag_nonbinary:


What that machine do? Follows welcome, subject to vibe check. Nonbinary & genderfluid. Neurodivergent & sinister-handed. Lives in a haunted forest where these silly little machinations proceed unabated. Age is over 18. It is possible to survive touching this machine, but not unaltered.

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migrated to [url=https://transfem.social/@green@mk.absturztau.be]@green@mk.absturztau.be[/url]my private alt (mostly for venting) is [url=https://transfem.social/@green@talk.marq42.xyz]@green@talk.marq42.xyz[/url] i'm just a little guy, and am very confy here ​:neocat_sip:​a very non-contradictary and well defined "bisexual nonbinary lesbian" (all 3 are verified) fedi has turned me into a lesbian just in the first 3 days ​:neocat_melt_blush:​ ​:neocat_flag_bi:​​:neocat_flag_nb:​​:neocat_flag_lesbian:​​:neocat_flag_aro:​ [b]banner description[/b]: a cubical glowing tree (inspired by the trees in fez) on a green backgrown, that i made in blender. the tree is casing a shadow. [b]avatar description[/b]: a [url=https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/173830]picrew[/url] of a girl with green hair on top a lesbian flag. [url=https://transfem.social/tags/NoArchive]#NoArchive[/url] [url=https://transfem.social/tags/NoIndex]#NoIndex[/url] [url=https://transfem.social/tags/NoSearch]#NoSearch[/url] [url=https://transfem.social/tags/NoBridge]#NoBridge[/url]

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moon gayming


hai :3 this is my gaming channel, i play retro and indie games here :3

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hai :3 this is a smol gayming channel, me plans to play retro and indie games here. this is a work in progress, channel should be prepared in a few days from now

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Kimby 🐥 (Revival arc)


3D Artist Videogame Designer ​:de_expect:​Sometimes FUNK, sometimes PUNK Esp/Eng

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im xy!!!!!


im xy!!!!! engaged to [url=https://ck.catwithaclari.net/@kat_cal2]@kat_cal2[/url] creater of neo arctic fox ​:neoarcticfox_pat:​

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Nerd with interest in programming and trouble in social settings. Autistic, with lots of half-finished projects that are sometimes hard to keep up with. I only speak English but know a few programming languages - my favourites are Lua and Rust (just learning), I'm ok with TypeScript and C++, and I will put up with Python but reluctantly. UK-based Fascists, bigots etc never welcome I'll try to only boost and post things with Alt text Avatar by [url=https://transfem.social/@NumbersCanBeFun@woem.men]@NumbersCanBeFun@woem.men[/url]

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lunya~ 💖


small little kitten co-founder of [url=https://mint.lgbt]mint.lgbt[/url] previous account was [url=https://transfem.social/@lunanova@transfem.social]@lunanova@transfem.social[/url] if i send you another follow request after you initially declined, please let me know!!! i often forgot who i send requests to

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