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We have 361355 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361355 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
This profile is a short form writing project by someone odd.
I suffer from - Tourettes, ADHD, OCD and PTSD.
I also livestream on Clapper as of recently, and have a YouTube Channel I play with. Both called JARRENoMgWtF if you'd like to see my insanity first hand.
I am open for donations, I don't have much to work with and want to document my experiences, write and do photography.
Thank you!
My profile for creating works and longer writings - [url=https://universeodon.com/@Jarren]https://universeodon.com/@Jarren[/url]
Bradley Jarvis
Exploring new ways of thinking, for fun and the optimization of the amount, longevity, and quality of life. No direct messages. Also posting on Bluesky.
I am a human on the internet. Unlinked and semi-pseudonymous here to avoid making this a Serious Presence, but if you're wondering if it's me, probably yes.
This is a no AI space. The good parts of AI are called statistics.
Rich Holmes
Rich Holmes is a person, which is more than you can say about a lot of entities online. He was a physicist until he retired. He still gets out of bed and does things, such as synth DIY, recreational mathematics, morris dancing, music playing (ukulele, melodeon, clarinet, synth, none of them particularly well), casual bicycling, referring to himself in the third person, and walking virtual tours of far off places.
Durian Distro
Durian Distro is a zine and mask distro based in Lenapehoking (Philly, PA).
The Conversation Canada
Written by academic experts, edited by journalists, backed by evidence. [url=https://theconversation.com/ca]https://theconversation.com/ca[/url]
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@ConversationCA]The Conversation Canada[/url] Flipboard profile.
Xtra Magazine
Xtra is an online magazine and community platform covering LGBTQ2S+ culture, politics and health. Available at [url=www.xtramagazine.com]www.xtramagazine.com[/url]
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@XtraMagazine]Xtra Magazine[/url] Flipboard profile.
Rachel Megan 🇨🇦
cis/het., happily married woman
Gen X
Mom of 1
Non-Visibly Disabled
Manitoba Metis
Social Worker on Hiatus (BSW 2005)
Lover of strong coffee/tea, reading, true crime, the Goddess, and all things UK.
Followers accepted until proven creepy
“The women in my family are medicine. They are backbones and ribcages and hearts. They are whispers in men's ears. They are the guardians that kept us whole.”
― Helen Knott, Becoming a Matriarch
Migrated from [url=https://botsin.space/@trains]@trains[/url].
I make videos about programming languages like Haskell, Rust, Nix, Cobol, Assembly and other weird ones. I also love retrocomputing and game development!
Ethical Revolution
Ethical Revolution offers 26 simple steps anyone can take to help contribute to a better, more positive world for everyone.
Follow me to receive updates on all things ethical, including offers from ethically-minded brands, or visit the website to see the 26 steps.
(Sometimes UK-centric, but much of the content is relevant the world over.)
Please consume consciously: If you don’t need it, don’t buy it!
Please also note that this Fediverse account is generated directly from posts made on [url=https://ethicalrevolution.co.uk]https://ethicalrevolution.co.uk[/url] using the ActivityPub Wordpress plugin, which means I (Sam) can read and reply to any replies made to these posts but will be unable to read any direct messages. If you’d like to send me a direct message on Mastodon please do so via [url=https://climatejustice.social/@ethicalrevolution]@ethicalrevolution[/url].
1. náhuatl. Lugar de hospedaje. 2. "(...) un tema que la gente de Solentiname trataba como si hablaran de ellos mismos, de la amenaza de que les cayeran en la noche o en pleno día, esa vida en permanente incertidumbre de las islas y de la tierra firme y de toda Nicaragua y no solamente de toda Nicaragua sino de casi toda América Latina, vida rodeada de miedo y de muerte, vida de Guatemala y vida de El Salvador, vida de la Argentina y de Bolivia, vida de Chile y de Santo Domingo, vida del Paraguay, vida de Brasil y de Colombia", Julio Cortázar.
Autumn's Blog
El nuevo desafío de Autumn64
Innosearch AI
Making E-commerce Simple, and Accessible for All.
Abogado litigante, mediador y conciliador certificado, está es mi cuenta personal, acá estamos para hablar desde el respeto a todes sobre política, leyes, vino, café, natación y vida en general
AliBlueBox es un proyecto dedicado a abordar temas relacionados con la accesibilidad para las personas con discapacidad visual. Este proyecto está compuesto por un canal de YouTube, una web y un podcast, todos ellos con el objetivo de proporcionar información valiosa y recursos útiles a aquellos que buscan mejorar su accesibilidad en el día a día.
Hackerspace en la ciudad de [url=https://rebel.ar/tags/Rosario]#Rosario[/url], [url=https://rebel.ar/tags/Argentina]#Argentina[/url].
Un espacio inclusivo para experimentar, aprender, enseñar y conocer gente curiosa y con ganas de HACER.
El hackerspace funciona en el histórico Centro Cultural de La Toma, en la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina
Somos célula rosarina de [url=https://rebel.ar/tags/Cybercirujas]#Cybercirujas[/url].
Mast.Lat es tu instancia generalista en Español para todo tipo de personas de habla hispana.
Normas en: [url=https://mast.lat/about/more]https://mast.lat/about/more[/url]
Este perfil es para avisos URGENTES de la Instancia de Mast.lat, para noticias, actualizaciones y demás, por favor, sigue al administrador en: [url=https://tkz.one/@trankten]@trankten[/url]
Libre Base
Espacio de encuentro por la libertad en el software y la cultura LibreBase Córdoba es un espacio permanente -tanto físico como virtual- de convergencia para activistas y grupos locales que trabajen a favor del uso de software y redes libres, conocimiento libre y licencias abiertas, a fin de poder debatir y coordinar horizontalmente acciones de difusión e implementación de esas propuestas en el medio local.
GNU/Linux València
Associació local amb l'objectiu de difondre GNU/Linux, el programari lliure i la cultura lliure. Uneix-te!
🇪🇸 Asociación local con el objetivo de difundir GNU/Linux, el software libre y la cultura libre. ¡Únete!
[url=https://floss.social/tags/FOSS]#FOSS[/url] [url=https://floss.social/tags/FLOSS]#FLOSS[/url] [url=https://floss.social/tags/SoftwareLibre]#SoftwareLibre[/url] [url=https://floss.social/tags/GNULinux]#GNULinux[/url] [url=https://floss.social/tags/ProgramariLliure]#ProgramariLliure[/url] [url=https://floss.social/tags/Val%C3%A8ncia]#València[/url]
EasyBuild ([url=https://easybuild.io]https://easybuild.io[/url]) is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.
Funding the FOSS Ecosystem
FOSDEM 2025 devroom.
We want to bring together developers, maintainers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, donors and funders to explore various funding models and mechanisms that ensure the longevity and security of FOSS projects.
Organized by: FSFE, Linux Foundation, NLNet Foundation, Probabl.ai, Prototype Fund, Sovereign Tech Fund, Andriy Utkin
Rust expertise since 2019
GNU/Linux València
Compte PeerTube de l'Associació d'Usuaris de GNU/Linux de València. Associació local amb l'objectiu de difondre GNU/Linux, el programari lliure i la cultura lliure. Uneix-te! 🇪🇸 Cuenta PeerTube de la Asociación de Usuarios de GNU/Linux de València. Asociación local con el objetivo de difundir GNU/Linux, el software libre y la cultura libre. ¡Únete! WEB https://gnulinuxvalencia.org MASTODON @gnulinuxvalencia@floss.social (https://floss.social/gnulinuxvalencia)