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🦜 Lawrence Fossi’s Substack
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Insights about the egregious behavior of Elon Musk, & about the chaotic craziness at Tesla, Inc., all with a legal slant informed by my career as a commercial trial lawyer.
🦜 E.W. Niedermeyer – This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
🦜 SpaceNews
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Covering the business and politics of space
John Paczkowski
Executive Editor, Tech & Innovation, @forbes. Previously: BuzzFeed News, Recode, AllThingsD (He/him) @pczki
#Fit/aac 🤘😈🤘⏭️
Kevin Collier
Cyber reporter @nbcnews. Tip me! @kevincollier01 on signal, kevin.collier@nbcuni.com. From WV/in NYC. Bluesky is way better; I'm kevincollier there.
Kleine - Wirtschaft bot
Inoffizieller Bot, der frei lesbare Nachrichten aus dem "Kleine Zeitung" Wirtschaft RSS-Feed technisch aufbereitet und im [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Fediverse]#Fediverse[/url] Beiträge generiert
[url=https://mastodon.online/tags/KleineZeitung]#KleineZeitung[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Wirtschaft]#Wirtschaft[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Zeitung]#Zeitung[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/News]#News[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/%C3%96sterreich]#Österreich[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Mastodon]#Mastodon[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Fediverse]#Fediverse[/url]
Tim Ricchuiti
Making math for everyone.
[url=monopol-magazin.de]monopol-magazin.de[/url] ist das Schaufenster der zeitgenössischen Kunst, für alle Kunst- und Kulturschaffende, Sammler und Kunstliebhaber. Tagesaktuell berichtet die Online-Redaktion von Monopol, Magazin für Kunst und Leben von den nationalen und internationalen Schauplätzen des Kunstbetriebs und stellt Künstler und Ausstellungen vor.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@monopol_online]monopol-magazin.de[/url] Flipboard profile.
Rolling Stone DE
Die deutsche Ausgabe des legendären Musik- und Kulturmagazins.
Folgen, um Beiträge aus dem offiziellen [url=https://flipboard.com/@rollingstoneDE]Rolling Stone DE[/url] Flipboard-Profil zu sehen.
Berliner Morgenpost
Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten aus Berlin.
Folgen, um Beiträge aus dem offiziellen [url=https://flipboard.com/@morgenpost]Berliner Morgenpost[/url] Flipboard-Profil zu sehen.
🦜 Monopol - Magazin für Kunst und Leben
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Magazin für Kunst und Leben RSS-Feed
RG Visual Artist
❏ Venezuela-Italian visual artist ❏ Creator of venezuelan comic strip: Tuk y su Dinosaurio ❏ 2d and 3D comic's characters animator ❏ NFT Artist (The only system that respects your authorship and lets you connect directly with your customers)
❏ 🇻🇪🇮🇹
🦜 AstroGeo - Geschichten aus Astronomie und Geologie
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Astronomie und Geologie: Wahre Geschichten zwischen Weltall und Erde
[url=https://flipboard.com/@bbcnews/business-h8ss70mez]Business[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@BBCNews]@BBCNews[/url].
United States
[url=https://flipboard.com/@theeconomist/united-states-keaamnsbz]United States[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@TheEconomist]@TheEconomist[/url].
Do everything better.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@LifeHacker]Lifehacker[/url] Flipboard profile.
Science News from Nature
The news team for the international journal of science. Follow us on Twitter [url=twitter.com/nature]twitter.com/nature[/url] and on Facebook at [url=www.facebook.com/naturenews]www.facebook.com/naturenews[/url]
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@NatureNewsteam]Science News from Nature[/url] Flipboard profile.
The New Republic
Thought-provoking coverage of politics, culture, and the world of ideas.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@thenewrepublic]The New Republic[/url] Flipboard profile.
Expanded coverage of U.S. and world politics, the latest news from Congress and the White House, elections and more.
[url=https://flipboard.com/@npr/politics-v8m4p3ukz]Politics[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@npr]@npr[/url].
Science magazine
The latest news and research from the journal Science. Learn more at [url=sciencemag.org]sciencemag.org[/url]!
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@SciMag]Science magazine[/url] Flipboard profile.
The Seattle Times
Local news, sports, business, politics, entertainment, travel, restaurants, opinion and more for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@TheSeattleTimes]The Seattle Times[/url] Flipboard profile.
The latest and greatest in smartphones, cars, computing, and digital lifestyle.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@Slashgear]Slashgear[/url] Flipboard profile.
MIT Technology Review
Our mission is to make technology a greater force for good by bringing about better-informed, more conscious technology decisions through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@mittechreview]MIT Technology Review[/url] Flipboard profile.
Tech. People. Money.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@venturebeat]VentureBeat[/url] Flipboard profile.