We have 363179 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363179 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Ex-D1 swimmer, historian. End of Sport podcast. Working on #ChangingtheGlobalGame about how Hungarian sportspeople navigated the IOC’s cultural imperialism and state socialism in Cold War international sport. Advocating for full equity for trans people in sport alongside cis people. Re-learning about my ADHD.
Dad, husband, barrister. Optimistic artistic type, interested in law, literature, music, art, philosophy, politics, and technology, among other things.
Brisbane, Australia
I'm a PhD #aviation#historian - mostly in #Britain, sometimes in #Australia, usually #military, always with lots of #emotion and #spectacle. (Air raids, air displays and phantom airships covers most of it!)
My first book was The Next War in the Air: Britain's Fear of the Bomber, 1908–1941 (Ashgate, 2014); my next will be Home Fires Burning: Emotion, Spectacle, and Britain’s First War from the Air (Cambridge UP, tbd).
I do #SciComms for work and #AIArt for fun (@AirmindedAI).
A British Law student and aspiring writer. Currently researching #abortion policy in America, and what this might mean for #femalebodilyautonomy in the years to come. This research is for a dystopian novel I plan to write, which takes these impingements on female bodily autonomy to their logical superlatives. Recently, I have enjoyed masquerading as a 'Pro-Life' (anti-abortion) activist, emailing some of the most staunchly Republican senators in an effort to master their vernacular.
I'm a PhD #aviation#historian (#histodon) - mostly of #Britain, sometimes #Australia, usually #military, always with lots of #emotion and #spectacle. (Think air raids, air displays, phantom airships!)
My first book was The Next War in the Air: Britain's Fear of the Bomber, 1908–1941 (Ashgate, 2014); my next will be Home Fires Burning: Emotion, Spectacle, and Britain’s First War from the Air (Cambridge UP, tbd).
I do #SciComms for work and #AIArt for fun (@AirmindedAI).
@stevanbozanich from that other app. Historian at ULethbridge. Paramilitaries, mass violence and genocide, Balkans, Eastern Europe. All views my own. He/They
Historian of modern Central Europe at Loyola Marymount University (Tongva lands, Los Angeles) | Nationalism in the German-Polish borderlands | Max Thalmann | all the usual disclaimers | she/sie
Professor of History, George Mason University. Author: Princeton Guide to Historical Research; The Fires of Philadelphia, both new in 2021. Views my own.
PhD candidate at Tel Aviv University| Book History | Kabbalah | Early Modernity. I know my research should be more relevant, but I prefer manuscripts and old books
Believe in building a better future. Politics, history, Met opera, ballet, yoga, and skiing. Global traveler, avid reader, and lifelong learner. Cornell University. Swedish-French-American.