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🦜 AstroGeo - Geschichten aus Astronomie und Geologie
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Astronomie und Geologie: Wahre Geschichten zwischen Weltall und Erde
[url=https://flipboard.com/@bbcnews/business-h8ss70mez]Business[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@BBCNews]@BBCNews[/url].
United States
[url=https://flipboard.com/@theeconomist/united-states-keaamnsbz]United States[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@TheEconomist]@TheEconomist[/url].
Do everything better.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@LifeHacker]Lifehacker[/url] Flipboard profile.
Science News from Nature
The news team for the international journal of science. Follow us on Twitter [url=twitter.com/nature]twitter.com/nature[/url] and on Facebook at [url=www.facebook.com/naturenews]www.facebook.com/naturenews[/url]
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@NatureNewsteam]Science News from Nature[/url] Flipboard profile.
The New Republic
Thought-provoking coverage of politics, culture, and the world of ideas.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@thenewrepublic]The New Republic[/url] Flipboard profile.
Expanded coverage of U.S. and world politics, the latest news from Congress and the White House, elections and more.
[url=https://flipboard.com/@npr/politics-v8m4p3ukz]Politics[/url] is a Flipboard Magazine created by [url=https://flipboard.com/@npr]@npr[/url].
Science magazine
The latest news and research from the journal Science. Learn more at [url=sciencemag.org]sciencemag.org[/url]!
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@SciMag]Science magazine[/url] Flipboard profile.
The Seattle Times
Local news, sports, business, politics, entertainment, travel, restaurants, opinion and more for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@TheSeattleTimes]The Seattle Times[/url] Flipboard profile.
The latest and greatest in smartphones, cars, computing, and digital lifestyle.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@Slashgear]Slashgear[/url] Flipboard profile.
MIT Technology Review
Our mission is to make technology a greater force for good by bringing about better-informed, more conscious technology decisions through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@mittechreview]MIT Technology Review[/url] Flipboard profile.
Tech. People. Money.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@venturebeat]VentureBeat[/url] Flipboard profile.
The Wall Street Journal.
Since 1889 🗞️
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@WSJ]The Wall Street Journal.[/url] Flipboard profile.
Nonprofit news org providing vital reporting on our changing planet. We're keeping all aspects of the climate crisis — seen and unseen — in the public square.
Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@Grist]Grist[/url] Flipboard profile.
Taught film for most of my life. I'm a photographer and psychogeographer. I've directed theatre, sat at a Steenbeck and I read a lot. Still working on that damn novel. Any help would be gratefully received. Jungian by nature.
Michele McCarthy
Consultant, teamwork, technology
Kellerman Raynberg
Hacker | Programming languages nerd | Retrocomputing enthusiast
Lexic Mazes
Acyclic mazes with words as walls. Opening any two walls adjacent to a path should create a single solution.
(Not an AI.)
[url=https://m.knucklebones.rip/tags/ConcretePoetry]#ConcretePoetry[/url] [url=https://m.knucklebones.rip/tags/oulipo]#oulipo[/url] [url=https://m.knucklebones.rip/tags/bot]#bot[/url]
[url=https://m.knucklebones.rip/tags/GenerativeArt]#GenerativeArt[/url] [url=https://m.knucklebones.rip/tags/CreativeCoding]#CreativeCoding[/url]
Rubén Osorio
Senior Graphics/VFX Programmer working @ Rockstar North.
All posts/opinions/views/whatevers my own 🙃
Wes Bos
🔥 Follow for Hot Tips ❯ Fullstack web dev ❯ podcast @syntax_fm ❯ course maker ❯ fixer of things
Nathan Grey
Co-Founder of Eventsheet, Cloud native developer, creator of Bills io App - [url=https://indieweb.social/@billsio]@billsio[/url]
Robert Alexander
I build open source software as a hobby and share ideas and progress here. I am a father, husband, software developer, and hiker. You may know me through US Digital Service, Amazon, NVIDIA. I've lived in NY, TX, CA, VA (USA). He/Him pronouns.
Statements are my own and do not represent the positions or opinions of my employer.
[url=https://indieweb.social/tags/fedi22]#fedi22[/url] [url=https://indieweb.social/tags/Linux]#Linux[/url] [url=https://indieweb.social/tags/RSS]#RSS[/url] [url=https://indieweb.social/tags/DevOps]#DevOps[/url] [url=https://indieweb.social/tags/Freelancer]#Freelancer[/url]
Women Writers Project
The Women Writers Project is a long-term research project devoted to early modern women's writing and electronic text encoding. Since 1988, our goal is to bring texts by pre-Victorian women writers out of the archive and make them accessible to a wide audience of teachers, students, scholars, and the general reader. We support research on women's writing, text encoding, and the role of electronic texts in teaching and scholarship.
Benito van der Zander
Post-Doc at university of Luebeck; Creator of open-source projects: TeXstudio, VideLibri, Xidel
Rui Lopes
Google Search Frontend Infrastructure Engineering ★ He/Him ★ 🇵🇹🇺🇲