We have 363177 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363177 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
(He/Him) I became a radio amateur in 2017 and upgraded to HF privileges a year later. I originally got interested to better understand and experiment with antennas. I like to run digital modes. I am an IT Consultant for primary/secondary school districts. Cats are my favorite pets.
Professional nerd and unapologetic millennial. Come for nerdy stuff, stay for bad jokes. My opinions are mine alone.
I see you. You are enough.
My name is Jenna. I’m vehemently antifascist and anti-imperialist (Death to USA and NATO). I have executive dysfunction and other sensory, communication, and socialisation variances.
I use ancient, sacred medicines known as cannabis and mushrooms to mitigate my difficulties with reality.
I co-founded and am involved in a local cat rescue.
I mostly boost leftist propaganda and mutual aid requests with occasional shitposts and satire/dark humour sprinkled in.
Licensed as Novice in 1981at 15 years of age. Currently focus on HF at QTH & mobile using SSB & digital modes. Sometimes active on DMR, DSTAR, & YSF. I maintain an APRS digipeter & local UHF repeater & Flight Tracker. Other hobbies include camping, video games, technology, beach, gym. Preferred user of MacOS & Linux. The command line terminal is my friend. Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen. Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one!
- #electronics student #TuDarmstadt
- break things and generally having fun #learning, while everyone else around me is hustling to get their degrees
- some basic kind of #linux#sysadmin
- amateur #hardwarehacking, #soldering and simply render stuff useless.
Currently I have a fable for all kinds off #powersupplies \o/
I would love to find more people doing basic electronics and describing what they are doing, people writing #threats about their #projects and #discussing questions about it!
We are the Spatial Development and Urban Policy Research group (SPUR) at ETH Zürich. We work at the intersection of public policy, urban politics, and spatial planning.