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We have 362983 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362983 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Khaled Nobani
Front-End Engineer and UI Designer
Creating the user interface and user experience of a software application or website.
Design mentor at Designed.org
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/linux]#linux[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/security]#security[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/privacy]#privacy[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/opensource]#opensource[/url]
Dabid #FreePalestine ⁂
🖥️ Teknologia eta kultura librea gizartea eraldatzeko eta mundu bidezkoagoa eta burujabeagoa eraikitzeko funtsezko tresnak dira. [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/SoftwareLibrea]#SoftwareLibrea[/url]ren aldeko aktibista gisa, askatasunean, lankidetzan eta justizia sozialean oinarritutako ekosistema digitala defendatzen dut eta pentsamendu kritikoa sustatzen dut.
📚 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/Literatura]#Literatura[/url]zale amorratua naiz.
🐧 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/SoftwareLibrea]#SoftwareLibrea[/url] 🔐 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/Pribatutasuna]#Pribatutasuna[/url] 📡 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/BurujabetzaTeknologikoa]#BurujabetzaTeknologikoa[/url] 🧠 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/KulturaAskea]#KulturaAskea[/url] 🎒 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/HezkuntzanLibrezale]#HezkuntzanLibrezale[/url] 📚 [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/Literatura]#Literatura[/url] 🗨️ [url=https://mastodon.eus/tags/365egun]#365egun[/url]
Hobby Digital 3D Artist from the UK
Carol Atack
Ancient Greek political thought & intellectual history; Plato, Xenophon, democracy, anachronism and antiquity.
Fellow, Classics DoS & tutor at Newnham College, Cambridge. She/her.
Mikhail Kats
Optics/photonics researcher, applied physicist, and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Personal account + opinions.
[url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/optics]#optics[/url] [url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/photonics]#photonics[/url] [url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/physics]#physics[/url] [url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/engineering]#engineering[/url] [url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/wisconsin]#wisconsin[/url] [url=https://mathstodon.xyz/tags/education]#education[/url]
Stijn De Baerdemacker
quantum chemist @unb | canada research chair | looking for excuses to do math | [url=https://mastodon.social/@Staedtler]@Staedtler[/url] pigment liner 0.3mm
Raphaël Rigo
Security stuff.
Ben Brubaker
Staff writer [url=https://mstdn.social/@QuantaMagazine]@QuantaMagazine[/url] covering computer science. Previously freelance physics writer (Quanta, SciAm, PhysicsToday, elsewhere). Ex-physicist. I think it's cool that the world is comprehensible and I love the rhythm of a good sentence.
Hex-Rays SA
Hex-Rays was founded in 2005 to improve the digital security and face the rising cybersecurity threats that are increasingly affecting both public and private entities.
Fully independent from any governmental agencies and stock market pressures, Hex-Rays is renowned for developing the state-of-the-art binary software analysis solutions used for reverse-engineering, hostile code analysis and vulnerability research.
Its world-famous product IDA Pro is the premier product for software disassembly.
Hex-Rays has also released the Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for IDA Pro, which dramatically increases the productivity of IT security researchers involved in the analysis of real world C/C++ binaries.
Thanks to the speed and scalability of its core algorithms, Hex-Rays does not merely break new ground in the well known C/C++ decompilation problem: it lays foundations for future developments in the field of binary analysis!
Daniel Hückmann
Staff Security Engineer & community organizer living in the Pacific Northwest; my work is currently focused on cloud & enterprise security.
Interests include psychology, psychedelics, hiking, & photography. ∞ 42 ∞
Zachary Tatlock
Finding nails, building hammers.
Prof at UW Allen School (CSE)
Adam Jackson
Science, noises, computation, electronics, permutations of the above
Jose Lado
Assistant professor in theoretical quantum materials at Aalto University ([url=https://sites.google.com/site/joseluislado/home]https://sites.google.com/site/joseluislado/home[/url]), Correlated Quantum Materials group ([url=https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-applied-physics/correlated-quantum-materials-cqm-0]https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-applied-physics/correlated-quantum-materials-cqm-0[/url])
Keegan Ryan
I like breaking things. Cryptography PhD student at UCSD.
Boston Bike Blockers
Just a little account to show we want protected bike lanes/multi-use paths because paint doesn't stop vehicles from cutting off or parking in front of the people who use bike lanes.
The website for exploring Scotland's great outdoors - on foot.
US/UK-based non-profit research institute. We shape technology for public benefit by advancing sciences of connection and integration. Our goal is a world where the systems that surround us benefit us all.
💗💜💙 I code and rant, and a thousand other things in between. EN/ES/CA/少し日本語.
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Web]#Web[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Developer]#Developer[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Programmer]#Programmer[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/PHP]#PHP[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/FullStack]#FullStack[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Lite]#Lite[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Lightweight]#Lightweight[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Flatfile]#Flatfile[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Privacy]#Privacy[/url]
I used to be a statistics professor. Now I’m on holidays.
Mostly unmonitored. Email me or twitter me.
“Oh Honey, no one ever paid to see under the top”
The littlest European attorney.
Pacified by manatees and magnets (strictly in that order). Knows a bit of the old ways of physics.
Moved to kasilas@mastodon.ie
Pioneer of [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/IrishMastodon]#IrishMastodon[/url]
Arie van Deursen
Professor in software engineering at TU Delft. Software testing, software architecture, developer productivity, open source, fintech, trustworthy AI, digitalization. Member Advisory Council on ICT Assessments (AcICT) of the Dutch government. Opinions are my own. He/him.
Jordan Kanarek
Product strategy at the intersection of UX + Data.
I try focus on making a net-positive societal impact with technology, whenever possible.
I've worked on well over 100 products — I spend a lot of time in [url=https://masto.ai/tags/healthtech]#healthtech[/url], [url=https://masto.ai/tags/media]#media[/url], [url=https://masto.ai/tags/privacy]#privacy[/url], and [url=https://masto.ai/tags/finance]#finance[/url].
Past 12 years: Consulting and advising. Lots of time spent with DuckDuckGo + Evidation.
Before: frog design, Verizon Labs, and Carnegie Mellon.
Semi-serious NBA fan and dry gardener.
Avid hiker and dumpling enjoyer.