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Educator, provocateur, space cadet, LFC supporter

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Josh Lyman Googling


The searches of Josh Lyman, 101st Senator. Confident to President Santos. Deputy chief of staff to President Bartlet.

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Full-time Curmudgeon. Manager of Information Systems, Retired. Adjunct Instructor, Community College Computer Stuff, Retired. Emergency Medical Technician - Specialist, Instructor/Coordinator, Retired. [url=https://infosec.space/tags/FOSS]#FOSS[/url] [url=https://infosec.space/tags/Linux]#Linux[/url] [url=https://infosec.space/tags/Debian]#Debian[/url] Raz_quel, second cousin of Loki

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Kentish Lad, husband, dad of 3, gramps to 1, serving the CofE in NE England. [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Geocaching]#Geocaching[/url], [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Boardgames]#Boardgames[/url] [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Sewing]#Sewing[/url]. Views my own, boosts not necessarily. I used be found at [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/@vicarvernon]@vicarvernon[/url] profile picture is a jester's cap and bells sewn by myself

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Gill Partridge 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Live in Scotland that NEEDS to be independent ASAP! Passionate about loads of things. Maternal towards more than my own. Love music, books. Gamer. Nocturnal. Conformity is massively overrated! Profile picture is of the Goddess Nyx turning day to night

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Engineering Manager @ Scandit. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/iOS]#iOS[/url] & [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/macOS]#macOS[/url] software engineer. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Swift]#Swift[/url] enthusiast, but still writing mostly Objective-C++. He/him.

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Siouxsie ~ jazz.w3.at


Researcher, educator, jazz lover - [url=https://jazz.w3.at]https://jazz.w3.at[/url]

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[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/kivitendo]#kivitendo[/url] ist ein [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/opensource]#opensource[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/erp]#erp[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/warenwirtschaftsprogramm]#warenwirtschaftsprogramm[/url] mit doppelter buchführung. ein kleines einführungsvideo findet ihr hier: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsueFnMEI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsueFnMEI[/url]

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Tilde Lowengrimm


I believe in the life-enhancing and capability-extending possibilities of technology as well as its potential to surveil, control, and misdirect. I work towards tools which are respectful, trustworthy, and safe enough to be used even by the most vulnerable among us, even when those with power oppose that freedom. 🌸 "High-end nondescript." 🌸 #Nonbinary 🏳️‍⚧️ #Trans 🌈 #Queer 🧠 #Disabled 🕍 #Jewish 🌹 #Socialist 🏴🚩 #AntiFascist 🏙 #Urbanist 🗄️ Guerilla #Archivist & #Pirate 🏴‍☠️⛵. 💻 #Technologist 📣 #Activist & ☔ #ProductManager in 🤫 #Privacy, 🔒 #Security, &. 👁️ #TrustAndSafety. 🛡️ 📍 Unceded Ohlone land in the Confederated Villages of Lisjan’s territory. [strong][url=https://sogoreate-landtrust.org/shuumi-land-tax/]Pay your Shuumi Land Tax[/url][/strong] to support rematriating stolen land. Find me at @tilde@infosec.town or https://tilde.lowengr.im. [hr] My favorite fiction imagines other worlds, different systems, and alternate ways of being, while still populated and experience by flawed imperfect people doing their best and trying to get by. Cozy unchallenging fiction is a great source of joy in my life, and there are plenty of novels I keep coming back to just to relax. I've also discovered that I am fascinated by books which explore what it's like to think, to experience, and to express autonomy and agency within systems which are not themselves self-aware. Science fiction is where I'm most comfortable, but I can dive into almost any story depicting smart but flawed people trying to manage complex and uncertain situations. For some reason, I find a lot of non-fiction relaxing: it's just a joy to learn new things! My favorite books are ones which give me a new lens or way of seeing and understanding the world and how things happen. But a book which leaves my readin list longer than when I started is great too. [hr] 🍵 While I read, I like to enjoy limitless (green) tea, and (lukewarm) coffee in moderation. 🥟 Dumplings and soup are my favorite food groups, which makes xiao long bao humanity's greatest achievement besides audiobooks. ☔ As well as splaying on the couch for a rainy day, reading with a warm mug in my hand, I also like to listen to books while sailing, hiking, camping, or really any other activity which lets me look at trees or find a cool bird or pretty flower. 🏕 [hr] Since I spend my day staring at glowing screens, I try to focus on audiobooks. Audio is also a great fit for my wandering attention: I can crank up the playback speed until I [em]need[/em] to focus to follow what's going on, and that makes it much harder for my mind to wander. Most books that I'm only going to read once I get from Overdrive & Libby. I prefer to buy new books from my favorite authors, and anything I find myself reading over and over. For those audiobooks, I love [url=https://libro.fm/referral?rf_code=lfm299420]Libro.fm[/url] (personal referral link). They're a social purpose corporation, care about DEI, and let you support your local book store when you shop there. Most importantly, all your audiobooks can be downloaded as DRM-free mp3 files so you can archive them on your own, and use any audiobook player you like. Either way, audiobooks go to my Plex server so I can listen using the [url=https://prologue.audio]Prologue[/url] app on iOS. Using my own server means I don't need to sync my several-thousand file terabyte-plus collection to my phone. But since Prologue's playback rate only goes up to 3.5×, I've found myself using [url=https://pocketcasts.com/]Pocket Casts[/url] more and more. If I were setting things up today, I would probably use [url=https://jellyfin.org/]Jellyfin[/url] rather than Plex, but my clumsy setup works and that's more important than perfection. Friends: would you also like access to my books? Send me a message on Signal and I'll get you a library account. For a smaller audiobook collection, I strongly recommend [url=https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bookplayer/id1138219998]BookPlayer[/url]. It works great, and has a ton of flexibility and convenience. But it chokes when synchronizing huge libraries, which is why I switched to Prologue. I also enjoy the [url=https://voicedream.com/]Voice Dream[/url] app for folks in the Apple world. Not every book has an audio edition — especially obscure material and non-fiction. Having a robot in my phone which can read me any PDF or ePub is magical. Custom voices and pronunciation, fully offline reading, it's really solid. [hr] Not all audiobooks come in neatly packaged [code].m4b[/code] files, and some proprietary players don't support faster playback speeds and other accessibility needs (looking at you, Libby). I'm hugely grateful to [url=https://github.com/ping/odmpy][code]odmpy[/code][/url], [url=https://github.com/sandreas/m4b-tool][code]m4b-tool[/code][/url], and [url=https://github.com/sandreas/tone][code]tone[/code][/url] for massively simplifying formatting, conversion, metadata and the other logistics of dealing with lots of big weird files.

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Okta 🐙🐙🐙🐙x2


Recovering from almost 20 years of info/holistic security.🐙 Guaranteed to ask.🌊 Kinder than I used to be.👾 As anti-fash & queer as I always was.❤️‍🔥 The funniest person I know.🧠💨 Profile pic: picture of Okta in a red elevator. They are taking a selfie,wearing a wool sweater and glasses and have their hair in a bun on top of head. Cover: picture of a stitching that says what doesn't kill you mutates and tries again.

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Nikolai Hampton 💾


Teaching and creating cyber-security for postgrad at Edith Cowan University. Love retro tech and have a real nostalgia for 80s/90s computing and telecommunications. I'm a total sucker for retro tech, 90s movies, geeky & Macguyver projects, cryptography, cyber security, new and emerging technology. Passion for helping postgrad and research students (have worked with many postgrad project students). Twitter refugee, finally activating my dormant mastodon. Already enjoying the vibe here more! DM and @ welcome - bring it on!

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Niels Ott Ton/Licht/Bild


Unaufdringliches Success-Story-Marketing-Profil eines Solo-Unternehmers im Bereich Veranstaltungstechnik / Hybrid-Events / Videolivestreaming / Tontechnik / Beschallung / Dienstleistung für Kultur und Industrie. Zu erwartender Content: Fotos von Veranstaltungen verschiedenster Art, manchmal auch nerdige Ausflüge in den technischen Bereich beinhaltend.

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doy folw


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Vehicle Physics


Physics, vehicle dynamics, [url=https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@unity]@unity[/url] expert. Author of: Edy’s Vehicle Physics (EVP) and Vehicle Physics Pro (VPP). Development Updates: [url=https://mastodon.gamedev.place/tags/vppdev]#vppdev[/url]

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ausschließlich persönliche Meinung hier Mitglied der Linkspartei [url=https://troet.cafe/tags/antifa]#antifa[/url] [url=https://troet.cafe/tags/fcknnzs]#fcknnzs[/url] [url=https://troet.cafe/tags/fckfdp]#fckfdp[/url] [url=https://troet.cafe/tags/anarchie]#anarchie[/url] [url=https://troet.cafe/tags/solidarit%C3%A4t]#solidarität[/url] Auf Bluesky: [url=https://bsky.app/profile/theanarchist161.bsky.social]https://bsky.app/profile/theanarchist161.bsky.social[/url]

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Moritz Paulin


freiberuflicher Musiklehrer, Nord Berlin (A)

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Head of Program bei GameStar/GamePro/MeinMMO, Society-Lady bei GameTube, Stimme von Gorilla Rodeo! Instagram: [url=https://www.instagram.com/el_ebeneezer/]https://www.instagram.com/el_ebeneezer/[/url]

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Das Wohnprojekt für faire Mieten in Augsburg. Dieses Profil wird zur Zeit nicht mehr gepflegt. Bitte schaut auf [url=https://sherlo.org/]https://sherlo.org/[/url] für aktuelle Informationen.

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Interessen: Linux, TeX/LaTeX, Python, Verkehrswende, Fahrrad, Wandern, Fotografie Beiträge werden nach einem Monat gelöscht.

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Deep Space 90210


💕 New drama. Same old station. A DS9 romantic comedy parody bot by [url=https://mastodon.art/@otterlove]@otterlove[/url] 💕 Auto-generated shipping and lols. 💕 [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/DS9]#DS9[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/DeepSpace9]#DeepSpace9[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/StarTrekDS9]#StarTrekDS9[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/StarTrek]#StarTrek[/url]

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Portland, Oregon, USA

Ross Hammer


Portland, Oregon, USA

(Oct 2024): Full-time software developer living an active life of sword fighting, stage acting and tech, goth clubbing, rock climbing, as well as the weekend assortment of roller blading, snowboarding and skiing, bicycling, kayaking, and of course general visiting and hanging out with friends, etc. Besides all that, I love to read, play computer and board games and watch movies. I'm very supportive of environmental concerns, social responsibility, personal choice in relationships and health, and am trying to live and love without limits (e.g. polyamory).

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Lonely Planet


Your guide to life-changing travel experiences. Follow to see posts from the official [url=https://flipboard.com/@LonelyPlanet]Lonely Planet[/url] Flipboard profile.

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