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Mathias Vettiger


älterer produktmensch. was ich hier schreibe ist meist unfundiert und beruht auf hörensagen.

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OFFICE IMPART is a multi-dimensional space and platform for contemporary art. Our activities take place on site in Berlin – or anywhere. We, the founders Anne and Johanna, are experts for (and on) changing the art world. We develop exhibitions on- and offline, with classically produced and digital works. We build bridges to art – and sell it. The typical question whether we are a gallery, we therefore basically answer with: "Yes, too!"

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Lili Galipette


📚🐇🧀🍵🪡🧘‍♀️🪓 [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/MoiPr%C3%A9sidente]#MoiPrésidente[/url] de [url=https://mastodonbooks.net/@vendredilecture]@vendredilecture[/url] · Ginto et Brillat-Savarin · Rigueur épatante · Grammar-Domina

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Nairamtrab 🇺🇦🇪🇺🍋


[url=https://mastodon.green/tags/Nederlandse]#Nederlandse[/url], woont in [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/Frankrijk]#Frankrijk[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/Europeaan]#Europeaan[/url]. 
We moeten er maar het beste van maken op deze aardkloot. 
Hou van [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/dieren]#dieren[/url], [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/koken]#koken[/url], [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/wandelen]#wandelen[/url], de [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/natuur]#natuur[/url] en van een beetje aanrommelen in mijn vrije tijd. Weer begonnen met [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/hardlopen]#hardlopen[/url] na blessure. Woon in een zoveel mogelijk met [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/ecologische]#ecologische[/url] materialen door manlief [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/zelfgebouwd]#zelfgebouwd[/url] huis.
Toots NL/EN/FR
Interested in [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/war]#war[/url] in [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/Ukraine]#Ukraine[/url] because I have (ex)collegues living there.
[url=https://mastodon.green/tags/running]#running[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/cooking]#cooking[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/ecologic]#ecologic[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/europe]#europe[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/France]#France[/url]

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Memes, shitpost et gauchisme

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Queer (🏳️‍⚧️, 🩷💜💙, 🩷💛💙, 💛🤍💜🖤) geek, francilien-ne, éducation populaire, tout est politique, et pleins d'autres choses Compte personnel/militant. Il est indépendant de mon activité professionnelle (en lien avec éducation, citoyenneté, numérique.. ).

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Informaticien... surtout en 1986, dans ma chambre. Aujourd'hui, à la fois [url=https://framapiaf.org/tags/digitallergique]#digitallergique[/url] et motivé par le numérique libre et éthique. J'aime "bien" ma compagne, mon fils, la musique de mon fils, chercher des [url=https://framapiaf.org/tags/anc%C3%AAtres]#ancêtres[/url], [url=https://framapiaf.org/tags/Christophe]#Christophe[/url], les oeufs mimosas, le vin rouge, les films lents, les antihéros, la pondération, les décalages... J'aime bien aussi ne rien faire autour d'une table garnie, entouré de mes potelles et mes poteaux.

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[url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/SysAdmin]#SysAdmin[/url] heureux d'avoir quitté l'écosystème [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/Microsoft]#Microsoft[/url] pour travailler avec [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/Debian]#Debian[/url] et [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/Fedora]#Fedora[/url]. Je tente de partager quelques-unes de mes connaissances au travers de documentations consultables sur mon cybercarnet. [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/CasualGamer]#CasualGamer[/url] de jeux solo ou en coopération, je m'évade grâce à eux mais également aux [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/mangas]#mangas[/url], [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/anim%C3%A9s]#animés[/url], [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/s%C3%A9ries]#séries[/url] et au [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/cin%C3%A9ma]#cinéma[/url]. Doté d'une curiosité sans limite, j'aime l'[url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/histoire]#histoire[/url], l'[url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/astronomie]#astronomie[/url], découvrir d'autres [url=https://pouet.chapril.org/tags/cultures]#cultures[/url] et apprendre d'autrui.

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Anarchiste déiste, degrowth/progress. Cycliste musculaire et piéton de campagne. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/voyage]#voyage[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/nature]#nature[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/culture]#culture[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/art]#art[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/g%C3%A9n%C3%A9alogie]#généalogie[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rationX]#générationX[/url]

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Italy interested in: electronics, compsci, photography, nature

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fourty whirls


a stupid neet transfem, amateur computer toucher :blobcatgooglytrash: i don't like bigots or bigotry enablers 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ i like (or liked) certain areas of math, some plt, some ee, mk8dx, celeste, some other games, progressive metal, some electronic music, some j-pop, some jazz, some classical music, yuri anime, certain movies & tv shows, arcaea, chunithm, 3bld, and all cute stuff also please don't call me `bro', `dude', or anything like that my profile picture is cropped from [url=https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86634053]https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86634053[/url] "oh you’re plenty entertaining :neocat_pat:" -- [url=https://tech.lgbt/@monoidmusician]@monoidmusician[/url]

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Some silly girl from Germany who likes programming and music. Creator of things like code and music. Level 28, 🏳️‍🌈 and 🏳️‍⚧️! Used to bully Game Boy Advance consoles and work on NanoBoyAdvance.

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Noé Lopez


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Ena (cube arc)


Your local girl-shaped singularity. I mostly post my musings, memes I stole from somewhere, and things related to video games I'm playing at the moment (conveniently CWed with "[game title]posting"). Don't flirt with me, even as a joke. If you do that once, I'll just assume you didn't read my bio and will point you here, if you do that twice or more I'm blocking you.

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mademoiselle ♡ 🌸💖


lang: EN (C2), FR (A2~B1), SV (A1) I'm elysia, and my core personality traits are loving people (broad sense) and being Autistic. I have really strong and well defined emotions! I'm mostly Lesbian, and am in love with my wife [url=https://misskey.flowers/@rosemoon]@rosemoon[/url], who means the world to us! I'm kinda (but also not really) interested in polyamory 🇨🇦 I make websites, do photography, tell stories, and invites strangers over for tea. I like doing modelling, loving, talking to others, and spending time with my special interests. I'm really mindful, and think a lot about a lot of things. we are also plural, and can change a lot very quickly because of that, although we don't really know how it works 😊 bunger! Most of sexual images are exclusive to my Fansly, but I still regularly post other sexual things here. if u like me a lot and want to get to know me, do it!!! you'll thank yourself for taking the initiative and I'll thank you for it cus i always want to make friends. that's why im here! I'm not hyper online, and really want lifelong connections reviews: "reviews are in: elysias a good girl" - my wife "profoundly unusual cis woman" - dating app person "you're so attractive oh my god" - anonymous friend our main special interests are!! - trains - dress up (including makeup and hair!!) - talking about feelings - fighting games!! - interior decorating and cleaning - photography - geography + history combo 🥰 - cooking - :collar_pink: [url=https://misskey.flowers/@rosemoon]@rosemoon[/url] avatar image is a drawing of a puppy girl next to another girl looking bashful and in a fancy uniform weve been on masto/fedi since 2019, mostly on @ hellsite.site

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Software Engineer for quite a while now. I'm hoping to retire from corporate software development before it kills me. [url=https://ei.heloise.im/tags/Slackware]#Slackware[/url] Linux, [url=https://ei.heloise.im/tags/Emacs]#Emacs[/url] and [url=https://ei.heloise.im/tags/FunctionalProgramming]#FunctionalProgramming[/url] enthusiast I also play [url=https://ei.heloise.im/tags/Nintendo]#Nintendo[/url] games - my current favourite is [url=https://ei.heloise.im/tags/Xenoblade]#Xenoblade[/url] Chronicles saga. --- You may know me from somewhere else. If it's the case, drop me a DM and let's talk ;)

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Hothrin🌸 (Vienna arc)


I'm a girl who likes witchy things :3 Also I'm vegan 🌱​:neocat_flag_bi:​ ​:neocat_flag_pan:​ ​:neocat_flag_trans:​ ​:neocat_flag_demiace:​ ​:neocat_flag_polyam:​ I'm always desperately in need of new friends! ​:nekomimi_girl_emoji_025:​ I enjoy headpats and praise a lot btw :3 flirting is okay alt text for pfp: picrew showing a young witch with light brown hair, that reaches a bit below her shoulders. It is cropped to her upper body. She wears a green tunic and a violet witch hat with a rose, a dandelion and a dark green leave tied to the brim. Black star shaped ornaments are hanging down from the hat like fairy lights. She wears a black collar that has a tie on it and has a slighly tired, but friendly and playful facial expression. The background is a pixelated night sky, that has silver stars on a dark violet to gray sky alt text for banner: Minecraft screenshot showing the front of a small wooden hut with a brick roof. It is decorated with flowers and torches and has a little frontyard, that's staked out with cobblestone walls. A player(me) stands in front of it, looking at viewer. The skin has long caramel hair and violet and green clothing. It's a witch

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Shane Rogers


Just a dad from [url=https://social.lol/tags/Lawrence]#Lawrence[/url] [url=https://social.lol/tags/Kansas]#Kansas[/url] who's gonna post stuff that's of a geeky, nerdy, techy, gaming bend. Maybe some books and tv stuff too.

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Heyo! Call me Star, Stella, Kay, anything is good. Very trans and very gay. I'm a software developer just trying to find my way in this world. Some of my interests are in video games, computer science,writting, art, game development and astronomy. I'm also a begginer at witchcraft, still trying to find what suits me best. Awkward at everything but I'm trying my best. And...that's it! I'll be posting whatever comes to mind...i think... :3

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Average ebifry enjoyer

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Sound of Science


Le son de la science et de la recherche en train de se jouer, par Martin Clavey, aka [url=https://mamot.fr/@mart1oeil]@mart1oeil[/url] [url=https://soundofscience.fr]https://soundofscience.fr[/url]

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[url=https://mamot.fr/tags/Musique]#Musique[/url] [url=https://mamot.fr/tags/ElectroAcoustique]#ElectroAcoustique[/url] [url=https://mamot.fr/tags/Binaural]#Binaural[/url] [url=https://mamot.fr/tags/UnderGround]#UnderGround[/url] [url=https://mamot.fr/tags/Tout%C3%87aTout%C3%87a]#ToutÇaToutÇa[/url]

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Firesledge 🔥🛷


Musique, bidouillage informatique et électronique I post in French and English, depending on the mood. [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/music]#music[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/AltRock]#AltRock[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/IndieRock]#IndieRock[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/DiyAudio]#DiyAudio[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/GuitarPedals]#GuitarPedals[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/electronics]#electronics[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/dsp]#dsp[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/programming]#programming[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/foss]#foss[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/cpp]#cpp[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/fedi22]#fedi22[/url]

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Tiana L.


🇬🇧 | 25yo French web dev & tech enthusiast Agender (any pronouns), pansexual (& romantic), polyamorous (partnered) 🇫🇷 | Développeur web Limougeaud de 25 ans passionné par l'informatique Agenre (tous pronoms), pan (romantique & sexuel), polyA (en relation)

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