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We have 362350 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362350 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Samuel Peralta
Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestseller
Golden Globe Nominated & Emmy Winning Film Producer
Launching 30,000+ creative artists from 137 countries to the Moon
Jami Gold
An award-winning author, Jami Gold offers a massive collection of free tips, advice, tools, and resources for writers on her website: [url=https://jamigold.com]https://jamigold.com[/url]
Shannon Eichorn
Science fiction writer. Aerospace engineer. Obsessed with alien symbionts, werewolves, & flying saucers. Alpha 2005, SHU WPF in progress.
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Writing]#Writing[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/ScienceFiction]#ScienceFiction[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/ActuallyIAmARocketScientistKinda]#ActuallyIAmARocketScientistKinda[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EngineerByDayWriterByNight]#EngineerByDayWriterByNight[/url]
Bron's Realm
Bron Rauk-Mitchell a.k.a The StoryWeaver.
I'm a creative jack-of-all-trades & a Masters Student at Charles Sturt Uni.
Sarah Castille
Lover of smexy things, writer of naughty things, New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense. Rep'd by Bradford Literary Agency
Skye Malone
Author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
Naveen Srivatsav
electric anthropologist// addicted to [url=https://toad.social/tags/infornography]#infornography[/url], [url=https://toad.social/tags/ultraculture]#ultraculture[/url] & [url=https://toad.social/tags/noosphere]#noosphere[/url] [url=https://toad.social/tags/nonsequiturs]#nonsequiturs[/url] // i feel inchoate nebulous curiosities about [url=https://toad.social/tags/solastalgia]#solastalgia[/url], [url=https://toad.social/tags/hyperstition]#hyperstition[/url], [url=https://toad.social/tags/kafkapitalizme]#kafkapitalizme[/url], [url=https://toad.social/tags/linguamemetica]#linguamemetica[/url] and [url=https://toad.social/tags/psychedelia]#psychedelia[/url] // known to dabble in [url=https://toad.social/tags/essais]#essais[/url], [url=https://toad.social/tags/calligraphy]#calligraphy[/url] and [url=https://toad.social/tags/micropoetry]#micropoetry[/url] when the muses visit
Beauty is truth, truth beauty.
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Medussa's Fury
Antifascist to the core. Raised in Germany by WWII survivors. Retired First Responder, now a COVID nurse. Fiercely pro-immigrant, white ally to BLM, pro-choice, and queer.
I want to retire to a beach in the South Pacific, but not until I've helped set up the next generation to be able to fix the world. A Dyke on a (big ass) Bike.
Al Robertson
SF, fantasy & horror author. Corporate clarifier. Author of [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/CrashingHeaven]#CrashingHeaven[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/WakingHell]#WakingHell[/url]. Tomorrow's folklore today.
Jennifer Willis 💫
Author of RUNE WITCH uf series, MARS sf/r series, and HAUNTED COAST paranormal cozies. Columnist for Sky & Telescope. I have a great recipe for pickle soup.
Author Garrett Dennis
I'm a U.S. writer of coastal suspense fiction set on the picturesque islands of North Carolina's Outer Banks, my happiest of happy places. You can learn more if you wish at [url=http://www.GarrettDennis.com]http://www.GarrettDennis.com[/url] .
Kody Boye
Young Adult Horror, Fantasy, and Science-Fiction author. Gamer. Animal lover. In college studying for my BA in Creative Writing and English (with plans to eventually teach.)
Sarah Pauling
🌈Neon weird SFF, TTRPGs, comics, and gaudy boots. Short fiction published in places like Clarkesworld and Strange Horizons. [url=https://wandering.shop/tags/vp23]#vp23[/url]; editor at Luna Station Quarterly and reader at Diabolical Plots.
Sam Palahnuk
I’m a sapiosexual, misanthropic, introverted biopheliac, driven by objective reality, striving for intellectual integrity and honorable behavior.
A Unificationist, a Factivist, and a Epistemologist, I work to understand why people believe what they believe, research and investigate the actual facts, and try to use truth to bring people together for the greater good.
[url=https://mindly.social/tags/wild]#wild[/url] canids
Andrew Hiller
2023 Amazing Stories Readers Choice Award Winner (2nd place) 2022 Escape Pod Flash Fiction Contest Winner, 2019 BFF Author of the Year, [url=https://wandering.shop/tags/ViableParadise]#ViableParadise[/url] 23, Author, Reporter, Producer, & Friend of Muppets
BA Williams
British-Swedish, living in Stockholm and trying to write in the gaps between freelancing and childcare. Never enough bookshelf space. Yes, audiobook listens count as “reading”
Nachfolge ACC vom @sol !Halb Öko- halb Tech FetischistStadtkopf auf dem DorfGrün mit hang zur BratwurstHomeoffice und Sofabesserwisser☀️🔆7,2 kwp auf'm Dach+ 6,5 kWh SpeicherWärmepumpe seit Juni 2024 - Id.3💻@Firefox / @thunderbird / @libreoffice /Linux MintWindoof zum zocken
ole skovgaard
Contemporary art collector, Zappa collector, socialist, anti-theist, anti authoritarian and grandad. Note: Explicit at times, NOT a lot of flower- or kittenpaintings! And ONLY things/art/architecture I have experienced IRL!
Just a lady with opinions.
Roxanne Rhoads
Roxanne Rhoads is an author, book publicist, mixed media crafter, and lover of all things spooky.
Her books include Haunted Flint & Ghosts and Legends of Genesee & Lapeer Counties.
She is the owner of Bewitching Book Tours, a virtual book tour and social media marketing company and operates a Halloween blog- A Bewitching Guide to Halloween.
When not reading or writing, Roxanne loves to craft, plan Halloween adventures, and search for unique vintage finds.
Monica Leonelle
Jeanne Reames
Mother, writer, history professor, Homer fangirl and Alexander the Great geek. Author of Dancing with the Lion, duology about Alexander. She/they