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We have 359875 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 359875 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Queer, white neurodiverse anti oppressive therapist who used to use switter trying to remember how this works. they/them - you cannot dismantle the masters house with the masters tools Audre Lorde
[url=https://retro.pizza/tags/lgbtqaai]#lgbtqaai[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/gsrd]#gsrd[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/nonbinary]#nonbinary[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/neurodiverse]#neurodiverse[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/therapy]#therapy[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/queer]#queer[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/writer]#writer[/url] [url=https://retro.pizza/tags/therapistsofmastadon]#therapistsofmastadon[/url]
profile pic - a cartoon white peron with long hair and black glasses in a black hoodie and the words "they/them"
Profile header - "Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence"
Serena is still in #yeg 🍞
Formerly UnicornWheels on Twitter, [url=https://mstdn.ca/tags/yeg]#yeg[/url] professional boba drinker. I still talk about food, transit, biking, and illustration. She/her.
This is a trans rights, harm reduction saves lives, defund police, fund transit not roads kind of account and we will not budge on this.
Sinéad Redmond
[url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/TerfsOut]#TerfsOut[/url] [url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/EndDirectProvision]#EndDirectProvision[/url] [url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/WhoLivesHereBelongsHere]#WhoLivesHereBelongsHere[/url]
settled White Irish
Irish Discworld Convention
A biennial event run in Ireland by fans, for fans, celebrating the works of the great Terry Pratchett. IDWCon2025 will be held from 17-20th October 2025.
Rekha Murthy
This account is really me. I help people make good [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/podcasts]#podcasts[/url] for good reasons. Curating and sharing media since before the public Internet. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/ClimateCrisis]#ClimateCrisis[/url] is on my mind a lot.
Full time rabble rouser.
CEO/Founder Digital Sunshine Solutions
Co-host Tech Aunties
The Third Pole EN
In-depth reporting on [url=https://federated.press/tags/water]#water[/url] 💧, [url=https://federated.press/tags/climate]#climate[/url] 🌦️, [url=https://federated.press/tags/nature]#nature[/url] 🌱, and [url=https://federated.press/tags/livelihoods]#livelihoods[/url] 🌾 from the [url=https://federated.press/tags/Himalayas]#Himalayas[/url] and across the basins of Asia’s great [url=https://federated.press/tags/rivers]#rivers[/url].
Minstrel Witch of the Desert. 🏳⚧☀️&🌙🐈+🐇+🐕+🦊. Head Maid of Chaos. Kintsugi system, collect them all!
38 y/o Utahn indie dev, author, IT. Pokémon Professor, judge/organizer. Part of the dev team for Dialogic for Godot. Fedi's token straight trans girl
I post weirdness of my life and stuff, in hopes that my experiences can help others figure themselves out as well. Reposts will be unpredictable
[url=https://mstdn.social/tags/godotengine]#godotengine[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/godot4]#godot4[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/gamedev]#gamedev[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/Dialogic]#Dialogic[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/writing]#writing[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/synth]#synth[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/pokemon]#pokemon[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/music]#music[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/trans]#trans[/url]
Bicycling Monterey 💚🌎🌍🌏
Inspiring & empowering more people to [url=https://sfba.social/tags/bike]#bike[/url], since 2009. Resources for 🚲 anywhere. Info Hub for [url=https://sfba.social/tags/Biking]#Biking[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/Monterey]#Monterey[/url] County, [url=https://sfba.social/tags/California]#California[/url]. Local Partner of [url=https://sfba.social/tags/CalBike]#CalBike[/url]. 🌱[url=https://sfba.social/tags/Grassroots]#Grassroots[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/volunteer]#volunteer[/url] effort > 15 yrs.💚🌎🌍🌏
Not approving follow requests if no bio, intro posts, or verifiable identity. Questions? Contact us.
[url=https://sfba.social/tags/searchable]#searchable[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/BikeTooter]#BikeTooter[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/MontereyCounty]#MontereyCounty[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/EarthStewardship]#EarthStewardship[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/ClimateHope]#ClimateHope[/url]🌈 [url=https://sfba.social/tags/cycling]#cycling[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/transportation]#transportation[/url]
[url=https://sfba.social/tags/AltText]#AltText[/url] profile pic:our then 2-yr-old in bike trailer
Julia Pence
American emigrant/ Belgian immigrant. Working at GSK in digital project portfolio management for R&D.
Hobbies: crafting, cooking, singing, video games, reading fiction.
She/her. en/fr (niveau intermediare)
The Cavern 101.5 FM PDX
The Cavern is dedicated to playing under-heard Rock music from around the globe. We aim to create a Rock station that represents a wide spectrum of Rock, and all of its contributors, by featuring artists from under-represented groups of people. Our mission is to show the truly colorful and vast world of Rock. You dig?
marii ¨
i prod the humanities data
Kathleen Lu
Sr. Product Counsel [url=https://mastodon.social/@nextdoor]@nextdoor[/url], tweets my own
@OpenStreetMap Legal Working Group
Ex EFF, Fenwick, Mapbox
I’m Ruby。 I’m roughly 20 apples tall. Human multi-tool.
Interacting with me is a genuine cognitive hazard.
James Ferguson
Bioinformatician/software dev at the Garvan Institute.
Admin of genomic.social
Views my own.
Author of:
- Buttery-eel
- BladeRunner
- pyslow5
- blue-crab
- squigglekit
- InterARTIC
- Deeplexicon
- HIVE-seq
- CoVarPlot
- sigknow/pysigfish
Sarah Rainsberger
Creates & solves problems. Sometimes, in that order!
Leading community-driven, open-source documentation at [url=https://m.webtoo.ls/@astro]@astro[/url] - Build your docs with Starlight! 🌟
Astro Core Maintainer 🚀 Docs Lead 📑 Technical Writer ✍️
Bird Photographer 📷 Blue Jays (🐦 & ⚾)
Lives in 🇨🇦 with [url=https://mastodon.social/@jbrains]@jbrains[/url] 💖
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/NWTWWHB]#NWTWWHB[/url] - Not worse than what we had before
rémi 🐌
🧩 game artist, game maker & illustrator
🌱 colorful & cosy vibes
🫖 likes to read a lot, play curious games and think too much
:flag_nonbinary: they/he
USS Joshua Norton, NCC-74819-B
"Saving the galaxy for no recognition since 2415!"
We're a Starfleet Intelligence Covert Operations [url=https://trekkies.social/tags/StarTrek]#StarTrek[/url] [url=https://trekkies.social/tags/RPG]#RPG[/url] ship, affectionately nicknamed The Emperor, set in 2416 prime AU. We are a collaborative writing game, using our website to write, and our Discord to plan and socialize. Please come join us on Discord to learn more!
Logs are L3 S2 V2 by the RPG Rating system (rpgrating.com), but toots are kept more family friendly.
Kandidatin für das Europa Parlament 2024 corinnabalkow.de
Daisy 💙 🇪🇺
[url=https://mastodon.green/tags/People]#People[/url], [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/planet]#planet[/url], [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/justice]#justice[/url].
Increasingly concerned about the way Western [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/politics]#politics[/url] is heading, and for generations who will follow….
[url=https://mastodon.green/tags/environment]#environment[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/ClimateEmergency]#ClimateEmergency[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/resist]#resist[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/FBPE]#FBPE[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/FBPA]#FBPA[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/GTTO]#GTTO[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/HumanRights]#HumanRights[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/NHS]#NHS[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/SaveOurNHS]#SaveOurNHS[/url]
[url=https://mastodon.green/tags/LongCovid]#LongCovid[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/LongCovidKids]#LongCovidKids[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/AntiBrexit]#AntiBrexit[/url] pro [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/EU]#EU[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/Biodiversity]#Biodiversity[/url] [url=https://mastodon.green/tags/KeepTheBan]#KeepTheBan[/url]
eveghost 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧
they/them he/him
American/Norwegian singer, writer, scholar, [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/transmedia]#transmedia[/url] content creator behind the [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/ARG]#ARG[/url] [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/interactivefiction]#interactivefiction[/url] [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/elit]#elit[/url] [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/immersive]#immersive[/url] [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/unfiction]#unfiction[/url] project Under the Surface at [url=https://www.axel-lunden.com]https://www.axel-lunden.com[/url]
PhD Cand. studying [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/MentalHealth]#MentalHealth[/url] and tech policy.
Former singer [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/PostPunk]#PostPunk[/url] [url=https://peoplemaking.games/tags/goth]#goth[/url] bands Scarlets Remains and Christ vs. Warhol.
Based in Oslo, Norway.
Avatar: Person with dark hair, wearing a studded, black leather jacket against a brightly colored background.
Mary Woodbury (fiction pen name, Clara Hume): author, publisher, curator, tech writer, localization specialist. See [url=https://dragonflypub.ca/the-stolen-child/]https://dragonflypub.ca/the-stolen-child/[/url] for my new book, The Stolen Child, coming Dec 7 as an e-book and early January in print. Writes stories about nature, wilderness, and the weird.
Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch
Associate Professor in Comm Tech at University of Connecticut, Fulbright fellow ('21) in Computer and Applied Cognitive Science at Universität Duisburg-Essen.
Researching social media use since 2007; currently remixing what that means post-tenure.
I also love time away from work by running races, escaping to the woods to hike, and playing violin in a local symphony.
Cyril Pasteau
NOUVEAU COMPTE: [url=https://piaille.fr/@cyrilpasteau]https://piaille.fr/@cyrilpasteau[/url]
IMAGINAIR.ES ferme ses portes.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 🌻 conseiller municipal EELV avec Montrouge
Écologique et Solidaire // [url=https://imaginair.es/tags/jdr]#jdr[/url] 'L'Hérésie cathare' (VAdT20), 'Thoan'
Izabella Baisheva
PhD Student at AWI Potsdam - ENVI - biodiv