We have 361375 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361375 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Always looking for more to enjoy in the SF Bay Area. Spending time on music, climbing, riding my bike, and dancing. Also writing watch software in a round building.
Hot takes about bikes, transit and interstate / international transportation, and other random scribbles. Yes In Your BackYard advocate. Residing on Kulin Nation lands near Naarm in the south-eastern corner of the Great Southern Land. Originally from maritime South East Asia.
US+Brit. He/Him.
Work: Software/hardware/chip architecture, advanced systems prototyping, generalist as in everything from silicon substrate to customer unboxing experience, somewhat InfoSec.
Life: Same but snarky, somewhat liberal/socialist.
Eliza Velasquez, developer of the game OneShot.
#emacs enthusiast.
:heart_trans: :lesbian_heart: :emacs: :nix:
Retired from Computer Industry, Government Job. Creating Digital Art, Traveling and Taking Pictures, making Music Videos and Blogging my opinions autobiography
Food geek & culinary inventor. Currently in stealth mode on the next thing you'll love. Formerly Anova, Sansaire, Modernist Cuisine.
Father, husband, ex-Forces (Retd Troopy/Rupert) RE, pro-European with GE outlaws. Social conscience & work in Healthcare. Motorbike adv around the world.
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