We have 361375 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361375 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
I am what is termed a "complex patient" on account of a few medical issues. If I didn't talk about it, you'd get a pretty skewed idea of my life. So expect some of that.
I plan to live forever just to be a burden on the system and the honest taxpayer quick call the current affairs shows.
I also get overexcited about plants.
I live on unceded land in Naarm, aka Melbourne, Australia.
Leftie. Socialist, more or less.
HealthSense is the new name for the charity HealthWatch. Promoting good science and integrity in healthcare since 1991. Join us. (Not connected to Healthwatch England)
💪 Militant associatif toulousain, ex Act Up et Sidaction, aujourd'hui porte-parole du Collectif @HOMODONNEUR et secrétaire adjoint d'Handi-Social.
🗣️ Je parle santé sexuelle, droits des personnes LGBT+, VIH, don de sang, handicaps, lutte contre les discriminations.
Association de donneurs réintégrés. Nous donnons notre sang, nous organisons des collectes pour recruter et fidéliser les donneurs de sang et nous assurons la promotion du don sous toutes ses formes.
Chaque bras compte ! 💪🩸
Active between burnouts (which have been ferocious recently).
Pronouns: he/him. Don’t be a transphobe and we’ll probably get along 💖
(parochial aussie stuff at @admdvs)