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We have 361331 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361331 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.
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Fosstonaut (Gamey)


Hi, I'm a open source Enthusiast with a heart for digital piracy, privacy, right to repair, our planet and social causes. This is my account for open source software stuff and it's a english only one! :) :tux: :opensource: :fedora: :matrix: :postmarketos: :morty:

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Spicy Lobster Studio


Open gamedev company, making games with pixel-sprites and Rust-lang or Godot.

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Alexander Geppart


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I'm basically the answer to "what would a transwoman techbro be like". Infrastructure developer, making Denmark's open source library infrastructure (as in books) (with Rust and NixOS). Former pure math student (2 yrs SDU, 3 yrs UCPH), never finished a degree. BDFL of eza, the cute version of ls. NixOS Committer, the war version of Guix. Hobbies include cooking, Yoga, Running, Grocy ERP, plaintext accounting, aggressive org-mode journaling, home automation, being lesbian, satellite radio, photography, feminism and queer theroy, hiking, and occasional obsessive reading, usually non-fiction. I'm a relationship anarchist, so I relate to people differently. I also align strongly with many anarchist ideas. I actually like kubernetes, and containers, and the Linux Kernel, systemd, and so on. My favorite software license is EUPL-1.2.

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Jan-Michael Leifert


Podcaster, Nerd, Vater und alles was ich sein will

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Life-long lover of reading. Fantasy & Sci-Fi were first loves. Now read a wide range of non-fiction (history, social science, philosophy, nature writing, judaica, etc.) and fiction (“literature,” mystery, queer/gay lit, etc.). My work keeps me reading constantly, but I’m hoping this site will be for my pleasure and personal reading, which has fallen off over the last 10 years.

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Darnell Clayton


A carbon vessel interest in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals.

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it's me, I'm the creator and admin of BookWyrm. [url=https://www.powells.com/MyAccount/Wishlist/WishListItems.aspx?wishListID=209508]buy me a book![/url] try me at [url=https://friend.camp/@tripofmice]@tripofmice@friend.camp[/url] for non-reading content and [url=https://tech.lgbt/@bookwyrm]@bookwyrm@tech.lgbt[/url] for technical stuff

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This is the “official” Fediverse community for all things pro wrestling! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. Please ensure you have NSFW posts enabled or you may miss out on some threads. Bots are not used in this community. [strong]Rules:[/strong] (Click to expand) **1. Be Civil.** Users are expected to be civil and inclusive towards one another at all times. Remember the person on the other side of the screen. Hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other inflammatory language is prohibited. **2. Keep content related to wrestling.** Any content posted should at least be related to pro wrestling somehow. **3. Spoilers.** Do not spoil events for people. If an event is going on, please keep discussion contained to the/a discussion thread for 24h after the event. Do not post spoilers in titles during this period. Use the spoiler function when you need to, it’s there for a reason. Should your post involve a url to a spoiler (Twitter, YouTube video, etc) please mark the thread as NSFW as well so thumbnails are blurred. **4. Vague/Editorialized Title.** Please keep the titles of any articles you post clear, understandable, and indicative of what the article states within. It’s ok to alter the title if the original is clickbait and confusing, or contains a spoiler like a debut that just occurred that day, but do not add your own thoughts to it. **5. Sexualized Content/'Plot'.** Please do not post any pornographic, ‘creep shot’, or similar adult-related material to the community (regardless of connection to wrestling). Wrestling content that involves sexualized content (in storylines/matches/promos) is fine, as well as photo’s wrestlers post to their own social medias. Butt-shots you take with your cell phone at a house show [em]aren’t[/em]. **6. Banned Source(s)/Websites.** Due not necessarily to the content of their reporting, but to their harassing and doxxing of users, the following news sources, journalists, and content creators are [strong]not permitted[/strong] to be posted on SquaredCircle in any context - including direct links, articles, social media, and reports that cite only those sources: - WrestleVotes - RingSideNews - Brad Shepard - Billi Bhatti and “The Dirty Sheets” - Any post or article citing one of the above as a primary source. Also due to technical issues, bigotry/extremism, and various other issues, we do not accept URL submissions from the following websites: - Twitter/X Any posts violating these rules may be removed. [strong]Useful Links:[/strong] Wrestling Promotions: (Click to expand) *US/Can/Euro* 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇪🇺 -[url=https://www.wwe.com/]WWE[/url] -[url=https://www.allelitewrestling.com/]AEW[/url] -[url=https://www.ringofhonor.com/]ROH[/url] -[url=https://tnawrestling.com/]TNA[/url] -[url=https://gcwmerch.com/]GCW[/url] -[url=https://www.deadlockpro.com/]DPW[/url] -[url=https://www.nationalwrestlingalliance.com/]NWA[/url] -[url=https://www.prowrestlingrevolver.com/]Revolver[/url] -[url=http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com/]PWG[/url] -[url=http://www.czwrestling.com/]CZW[/url] -[url=http://mlw.com/]MLW[/url] -[url=https://realityofwrestling.com/]Reality of Wrestling[/url] -[url=http://www.progresswrestling.com/]Progress[/url] -[url=https://www.defywrestling.com/]DEFY[/url] -[url=http://www.revolutionprowrestling.com/home]RevPro[/url] -[url=https://www.northwrestling.co.uk/]NORTH Wrestling[/url] -[url=http://ovwrestling.com/]OVW[/url] -[url=https://www.patreon.com/mysterywrestling/]Mystery Wrestling[/url] -[url=https://www.alpha-1wrestling.com/]Alpha-1[/url] -[url=http://mlpwrestling.com/]Maple Leaf Pro[/url] -[url=https://burningheartprowrestling.com/]Burning Heart[/url] -[url=http://www.evewrestling.com/]EVE[/url] -[url=https://wowe.com/]WOW[/url] -[url=https://missionprowrestling.com/]Mission Pro[/url] *Japan* 🇯🇵 -[url=https://www.njpw1972.com/]NJPW[/url] -[url=https://www.noah.co.jp/]NOAH[/url] -[url=https://www.ddtpro.com/]DDT[/url] -[url=https://www.gaora.co.jp/dragongate/]Dragongate[/url] -[url=http://www.all-japan.co.jp/]AJPW[/url] -[url=http://triplesix.jp/]TRIPLESIX[/url] -[url=https://chocoprowrestling.com/]ChocoPro[/url] -[url=https://wwr-stardom.com/]STARDOM[/url] -[url=https://www.ddtpro.com/tjpw]TJPW[/url] -[url=https://sukeban.com/]Sukeban[/url] -[url=https://sparkjoshi.com/]SPARK Joshi[/url] -[url=https://www.pro-w-wave.com/]Pro Wrestling Wave[/url] -[url=https://www-diana.com/]DIANA[/url] -[url=https://www.actwresgirlz.com/]Actwres girl’Z[/url] -[url=http://iceribbon.com/]Ice Ribbon[/url] -[url=http://oz-academy.com/]Oz Academy[/url] -[url=http://seadlinnng.com/]Seadlinnng[/url] -[url=http://www.sendaigirls.jp/]Sendai Girls’[/url] -[url=https://dsf-marigold.com/en/]MARIGOLD[/url] *Mexico* 🇲🇽 -[url=https://luchalibreaaa.com/]AAA[/url] -[url=https://cmll.com/]CMLL[/url] *Uganda* 🇺🇬 -[url=https://www.youtube.com/@Ugandanprowrestling]SGW[/url] *Australia* 🇦🇺 -[url=https://worldserieswrestling.com.au/]WSW[/url] [hr] ‘The Dirt Sheets’: -[url=https://www.f4wonline.com/]WON/F4W[/url] -[url=https://www.fightful.com/]Fightful[/url] -[url=https://www.pwinsider.com/]PWInsider[/url] -[url=https://www.youtube.com/denisesalcedo]Denise Salcedo[/url] -[url=https://www.pwtorch.com/]PWTorch[/url] -[url=https://www.sescoops.com/]SEScoops[/url] Other Related Websites: -[url=https://www.cagematch.net/]Cagematch[/url] -[url=https://www.kayfabenews.com/]Kayfabe News[/url] -[url=https://www.wrestlecrap.com/]WrestleCrap[/url] -[url=https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/]Pro Wrestling Tees[/url] -[url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/]SquaredCircle on Reddit[/url] -[url=https://www.youtube.com/@thewrestlingroad/]Kim Justice’s Wrestling Road[/url] -[url=https://www.wrestlemap.com/map]WrestleMap[/url]

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:blank: THE CHEMICALS ARE TELLING ME [url=https://declin.eu/users/i]@i[/url] MUST PERISH LIKE A DOG! :blank:

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Mille feuilles Blog


Le blog extrêmement officiel de Millefeuilles.cloud

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Hugh Hollowell


Community organizer. Writer. Southern AF. ADHD Human. Jackson, MS. Gen X. He/Him

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My primary account is @fu@millefeuilles.cloud for now I'm keeping this open just to serve as my "library book queue" of books I want to read, but all my actual content is on the other. I probably should importat this to there, we'll see when that happens, I'm fearful I'll screw something up and get incorrect data in my real profile

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Cooperator, luddite, and Atlantan. Solidarity forever 🌹. When not reading 📚 probably wants to be out swing or blues dancing 🕺, backpacking ⛺🥾, climbing 🧗, or mountain biking 🚵.

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[h1]Streams:[/h1] [url=https://sportsurge.net/]sportsurge[/url] [url=https://vipbox.lc/]vipbox.lc[/url] [list] [*][strong]Cricfree[/strong]:[url=https://new.crichd.tv/]1[/url][url=https://livesports808.sbs/]2[/url][url=https://crickfree.be/]3[/url][/*] [*]Soccer:[url=https://www.vipbox.lc/football-live]1[/url][url=http://www.footybite.watch/]2[/url][url=https://crichd.tv/soccer-live-stream-nt]3[/url][url=https://www.ronaldo7.net/video/watch-football-live.html]4[/url] -[url=https://soccerfullmatch.com/]Soccer replays[/url][/*] [*]Gridiron football:[url=https://nflbite.com/]1[/url][url=https://sportsurge.net/#/groups/0]2[/url][url=http://bilasport.net/nfl.html]3[/url][url=http://liveball.tv/nfl-live-stream/]4[/url][/*] [*]Basketball:[url=https://nbabite.com/]1[/url][url=https://sportsurge.net/#/groups/0]2[/url][url=http://bilasport.net/nba.html]3[/url][url=http://nba-streams.xyz/schedule/]4[/url][url=http://liveball.tv/nba/]5[/url][/*] [*]Baseball:[url=http://bilasport.net/mlb.html]1[/url][url=http://liveball.tv/baseball/]2[/url][/*] [*]Ice hockey:[url=https://sportsurge.net/#/groups/0]1[/url][url=http://bilasport.net/nhl.html]2[/url][url=http://liveball.tv/hockey/]3[/url][/*] [*]MMA:[url=https://fbstream.me/stream/ufc]1[/url][url=http://bilasport.net/mma.html]2[/url][url=https://official.mmastreams.cc/]3[/url][/*] [*][url=https://www.vipbox.lc/fighting-live]Combat sports on VIPbox[/url] includes boxing and MMA - [url=https://fullfightreplays.com/]MMA and boxing replays[/url][/*] [*]Cricket:[url=https://online.webcric.com/]1[/url][url=https://cricstream.me/]2[/url][/*] [/list] [code]For your own good, please enable an adblocker if you’re going to use one of the sites above[/code] [strong]In case of dead links, please reach out to the mods.[/strong] [h1]Rules:[/h1][list] [*][strong]1[/strong] Obviously abide by the sitewide [url=https://git.chapo.chat/hexbear-collective/lemmy-hexbear/wiki/Hexbear-Code-Of-Conduct]code of conduct[/url]. Bigots and reactionaries will be banned.[/*] [*][strong]2[/strong] Additionally, no [strong]unprovoked[/strong] verbal aggression. You won’t get banned for telling chuds to fuck off.[/*] [*][strong]3[/strong] This community is about competitive sports, both professional & amateur. For exercise related topics, use [url=/c/fitness]/c/fitness[/url][/*] [*][strong]4[/strong] Use content warnings when needed.[/*] [/list]

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Welcome to Hexbear’s science community! Subscribe to see posts about research and scientific coverage of current events No distasteful shitposting, pseudoscience, or COVID-19 misinformation. [img]https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/2bffbb4d-0930-4d56-befc-78a6f21e147c.png[/img]

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!? Out of the loop.. ?


If you are confused by a post, comment or meme in the lemmyverse… post here to ask for an explanation. Hopefully someone will explain :) Rules: [list] [*]Good-faith questions and answers only. No Spam, Trolling, Sea-lioning or Agitprop.[/*] [*]No shaming or abuse of questioners. We’re ALL ‘out of the loop’ on lots of things…[/*] [*]The purpose of this community is to inform others who are confused by some topic, event, or the use of lingo that the general public may not be aware of.[/*] [*]Abusive, hostile or otherwise disruptive language will NOT be tolerated. Mods discretion is absolute and violators will be banned.[/*] [/list]

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[h1]linux4noobs[/h1][hr][h4][em]Noob Friendly, Expert Enabling[/em][/h4] Whether you’re a seasoned pro or the noobiest of noobs, you’ve found the right place for Linux support and information. With a dedication to supporting free and open source software, this community aims to ensure Linux fits your needs and works for you. From troubleshooting to tutorials, practical tips, news and more, all aspects of Linux are warmly welcomed. Join a community of like-minded enthusiasts and professionals driving Linux’s ongoing evolution. [hr][h5][strong]Seeking Support?[/strong][/h5][list] [*]Mention your Linux distro and relevant system details.[/*] [*]Describe what you’ve tried so far.[/*] [*]Share your solution even if you found it yourself.[/*] [*]Do not delete your post. This allows other people to see possible solutions if they have a similar problem.[/*] [*]Properly format any scripts, code, logs, or error messages.[/*] [*]Be mindful to omit any sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, IP addresses, etc.[/*] [/list][hr][h4]Community Rules[/h4][list] [*][strong]Keep discussions respectful and amiable.[/strong] This community is a space where individuals may freely inquire, exchange thoughts, express viewpoints, and extend help without encountering belittlement. We were all a noob at one point. Differing opinions and ideas is a normal part of discourse, but it must remain civil. Offenders will be warned and/or removed.[/*] [*]Posts must be Linux oriented[/*] [*]Spam or affiliate links will not be tolerated.[/*] [/list]

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One big comm for one big union! Post union / labour related news, memes, questions, guides, etc. [strong]Here Are Some Resources to help with organizing and direct action[/strong] :red-fist: [list] [*][url=https://iww.org/resources]The IWW’s list of Resources[/url][/*] [*][url=https://aflcio.org/formaunion]AFL-CIO guide on union organizing[/url][/*] [*][url=https://libcom.org/organise]libcom.org[/url][/*] [*][url=https://labornotes.org/2016/10/inoculate-your-co-workers-against-bosss-tactics]Labour Notes[/url][/*] [*][url=https://labornotes.org/2016/10/inoculate-your-co-workers-against-bosss-tactics]The Union-Busting Playbook[/url][/*] [/list] And [url=https://labornotes.org/2016/10/inoculate-your-co-workers-against-bosss-tactics]More[/url] to Come! [strong]If you want to speak to a union organizer, [url=https://workerorganizing.org/support]reach out here[/url].[/strong] [h1]:iww: :big-bill: :sabo:[/h1] [strong]Rules:[/strong] [ol] [*]Follow [url=https://git.chapo.chat/hexbear-collective/lemmy-hexbear/wiki/Hexbear-Code-Of-Conduct]The Hexbear Code of Conduct[/url].[/*] [*]No anti-union content, especially from the right. Critiques and discussions of different organizing strategies is fine.[/*] [*]Don’t dox yourself or others.[/*] [*]Labour Party content goes in [url=/c/electoralism]!electoralism@www.hexbear.net[/url], [url=/c/politics]!politics@www.hexbear.net[/url], or a :dumpster-fire:.[/*] [/ol][h1][strong]When we fight we win![/strong][/h1]

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Political Memes


Non political memes: [url=https://sopuli.xyz/c/memes]!memes@sopuli.xyz[/url]

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[url=https://lemmy.ca/post/5635462][img]https://img.shields.io/lemmy/memes%40sopuli.xyz?logo=lemmy&label=Total%20Subscribers[/img][/url] Post memes here. [em]A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.[/em] [em]An Internet meme or meme, is a cultural item that is spread via the Internet, often through social media platforms. The name is by the concept of memes proposed by Richard Dawkins in 1972. Internet memes can take various forms, such as images, videos, GIFs, and various other viral sensations.[/em] [list] [*]Wait at least 2 months before reposting[/*] [*]No explicitly political content (about political figures, political events, elections and so on), [url=https://lemmy.ca/c/politicalmemes]!politicalmemes@lemmy.ca[/url] can be better place for that[/*] [*]Use NSFW marking accordingly[/*] [/list][hr] Laittakaa meemejä tänne. [list] [*]Odota ainakin 2 kuukautta ennen meemin postaamista uudelleen[/*] [*]Ei selkeän poliittista sisältöä (poliitikoista, poliittisista tapahtumista, vaaleista jne) parempi paikka esim. [url=https://lemmy.ca/c/politicalmemes]!politicalmemes@lemmy.ca[/url][/*] [*]Merkitse K18-sisältö tarpeen mukaan[/*] [/list]

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dank memes [strong]Rules:[/strong] [ol] [*]All posts must be memes and follow a general meme setup.[/*] [*]No unedited webcomics.[/*] [*]Someone saying something funny or cringe on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. is not a meme. Post that stuff in [url=https://hexbear.net/c/slop]/c/slop[/url][/*] [*]Va*sh posting is haram and will be removed.[/*] [*]Follow the code of conduct.[/*] [*]Tag OC at the end of your title and we’ll probably pin it for a while if we see it.[/*] [*]Recent reposts might be removed.[/*] [*][url=https://www.hexbear.net/post/167465]Tagging OC with the hexbear watermark is praxis[/url].[/*] [*]No anti-natalism memes. See: [url=https://hexbear.net/post/99029]Eco-fascism Primer[/url][/*] [/ol]

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