We have 362722 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362722 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, we are from Ukraine, and we want to create for all men and women,for all boys and girls of any sexual orientation, a completely free and always friendly social network of love dating on the Lov.Top domain. Now we have started collecting donations for its creation - take part in its creation with your financial contribution, because it will be created for you-our Paypal: LovTop.Project@gmail.com, our Patreon: Patreon.com/LovTop we will not look for commercial investors!
I'm a nurse manager, specialised in emergency care with advanced education.
Currently working as:
⚙️ nurse manager
☣️ intern medicine ward, infectious disease section and oncology day hospital
🎓 university lecturer
Past experiences:
⚕️ clinical nurse, emergency department
👨🏼🏫 tutor and educator
Interested in:
📖 education
🤖 simulations
👥 patient experience
🔁 if you like my thoughts please BOOST to make them travel in the Fediverse 🔁
just trying to make some art for the eco-democratic solarpunk socialist revolution
building the framework of a movement you can plug into here: gndm.info
Mi occupo di mobilità ciclistica in FIAB Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta ed in questo periodo mi sto dedicando a questioni di sicurezza stradale
🇩🇪 DJ aus Norddeutschland. Verheiratet, multikreativ, liebt Füchse ein bisschen sehr gerne.
🇬🇧 DJ from northern Germany. Married, multicreative, loves foxes a lot.
💜 🌈 💜 LGBTQIA+* safespace 💜 🌈 💜
Fantasiert ständig, liest oft,
schreibt hin und wieder, auch hin und her, flüchtet alltäglich.
Introvertiert, neugierig, top, Voyeur, verheiratet, nur virtuell für vieles offen