Fediverse | Members
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We have 361436 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361436 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
The Ebbtide
Shoreline Community College student newspaper, since 1965.
Izzy Wasserstein
Queer & trans. Writer, educator. Author of All the Hometowns You Can't Stay Away From with Neon Hemlock press.
The Guardian | World News
The Guardian | World News
🦜 TPM – Talking Points Memo
[i]I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the [url=https://rss-parrot.net]RSS Parrot[/url][/i].
Breaking News and Analysis
Anna Kennard
Proud European, striving for a free, democratic and just world.
Sordan Jnodgrass
Just some random vato in Sandy Eggo named Sordan Jnodgrass. Skeptic. Skeptical of skeptics. Skeptical of skeptics who are skeptical of skeptics.
Loving mother
John Lucier
Enthusiastic about [url=https://scholar.social/tags/HumanGeography]#HumanGeography[/url], [url=https://scholar.social/tags/PublicHistory]#PublicHistory[/url], [url=https://scholar.social/tags/Maps]#Maps[/url], [url=https://scholar.social/tags/GLAM]#GLAM[/url], [url=https://scholar.social/tags/DH]#DH[/url], and [url=https://scholar.social/tags/Mobilities]#Mobilities[/url]. 3 years [url=https://scholar.social/tags/NoCar]#NoCar[/url]. [url=https://scholar.social/tags/Bike]#Bike[/url] & [url=https://scholar.social/tags/Transit]#Transit[/url] advocate.
Stitching Gnome
Wife, mom, [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/dogmom]#dogmom[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/reptilemom]#reptilemom[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/PublicDefender]#PublicDefender[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/reader]#reader[/url], and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/crafter]#crafter[/url]. I love [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/knitting]#knitting[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/crochet]#crochet[/url], and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/crossstitching]#crossstitching[/url].
Kristy SM
* Be Kind * Animal Rescue and Foster *
Travel Travel Travel- It's good for the soul.
I'm usually in the garden, digging in the dirt.
Henry Bremridge
Independent Financial Adviser. etc etc interested in finance, markets, open source software. trying to learn to use R rather than spreadsheets.
This is just thoughts, NOT advice.
49% Evil Is Not Half Bad
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Multi-fandom nerd but lots of Star Trek.
Multiple careers, but centered around software & technology & public healthcare especially EH.
I write sometimes, mostly science fictiony things.
VERY sarcastic. If you're wondering if something I wrote is to be taken at face value, wonder again. Feel free to check with me if you're not sure.
Random questions from complete strangers welcome!
MadeInDex 📰🌎
🌍 The [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Sustainability]#Sustainability[/url] Index (upcoming)
🌲 Environmental [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/News]#News[/url] & guides on sustainable products, companies & their impact.
💻 [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Privacy]#Privacy[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/AI]#AI[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Politics]#Politics[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/OSINT]#OSINT[/url], Journalism, Philosophy, Humor, Pacifism, [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/AnimalRights]#AnimalRights[/url], 420 and Cleaning up [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Nature]#Nature[/url]
🌱 [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Vegan]#Vegan[/url] / [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Vegetarian]#Vegetarian[/url] topics
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Fedi22]#Fedi22[/url] - Boosts are welcome 😀
I am interested in two things:
1. How the world works
2. How we can make it better
My mission is to develop a deep understanding of how our world works — economically, politically, historically — and write to make it common knowledge.
I write wanting to address the problems in the world that keep us trapped in cycles of suffering.
I want to write a better world.
[url=https://veganism.social/tags/writer]#writer[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/science]#science[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/philosophy]#philosophy[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/economics]#economics[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/politics]#politics[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/vegan]#vegan[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/atheism]#atheism[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/communism]#communism[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/rust]#rust[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/linux]#linux[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/learningjapanese]#learningjapanese[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/onepiece]#onepiece[/url] [url=https://veganism.social/tags/anarchism]#anarchism[/url]
Mayor David Newman
Here I'll post news about Thousand Oaks, California, our beautiful city.
International Monitor
International news. Independent journalism responsible only with our readers.
Lew Perin
Accepting bitterness is the leap of faith in the religion of tea.
I try to follow people who are either friends of mine or people I learn things from. (Delightfully, there is overlap between the two categories!) If I get the impression that you’re here mainly to display your moral or aesthetic superiority, I will try to ignore you.
als Latrinenleander abgesprungen
Galerist für zeitgenössische Kunst aus Japan in München. Gelegentliche Statements zur Kunst. —— Gallerist from Munich, specialising in contemporary art from Japan. Occasionally I will post about art from Japan and art in general.
Axel Höpner
Radfahrer, Kultur in Unterbrunn, Gemeinderat, Handelsblatt Büroleiter München
Je parle de boulot, de la vie et surtout de ma vie quelque peu torturée en ce moment.
Passez jeter un œil sur mon compte PixelFed, j’y poste mes photos ! ☺️
📍Lyon, France
Star Cat Books
Small indie bookstore in northern VT near Dartmouth, specializing in childrens books & science fiction.
Started in computing w/punch cards, godfather Pres Eckert co-inventor of ENIAC, stepfather #1 at Oak Ridge having worked with Fermi in Chicago—later VP UNIVAC, 1st woman columnist BYTE.com, freelancer, copyeditor for mainstream publishing 45+years, owned by cats,
Cat Flap
Witness the daily comings and goings of our feline friends through the magic portal! 🚪😺
Made by [url=https://mastodon.social/@Bas]@Bas[/url].
Ced Ledesma
Moved to Pixelfed.social:[url=https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/530202558248861960]https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/530202558248861960[/url] $argon2id$v=19$m=64,t=512,p=2$PjOSVlLGH3BzvFmVEdU98w$6zYJb/OMrB2mRl/vMo9X+w
Stefan Hölzl
in München zuhause, 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 🇺🇦 [url=https://muenchen.social/tags/StandWithUkraine]#StandWithUkraine[/url]! Auf dieser Instanz zum Austausch zu lokalen Themen - München & Garching, Wirtschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, KMU