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We have 360296 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360296 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
An American self taught artist who likes comics, tech and video games. Akward, yet charming. [url=https://misskey.io/tags/artist]#artist[/url] [url=https://misskey.io/tags/illustrator]#illustrator[/url]
Home of [url=https://artsio.com/tags/vsspoem]#vsspoem[/url], the original Twitter hashtag for Poets | Daily (optional) word prompts! A space for you to create and just be you.
Primary hangout of [url=https://mastodon.social/users/knapjack]@knapjack[/url], because the Fediverse isn't just one thing.
I snap photos on film, flip bits for a living and live in the subarctic. Be kind, rewind.
Stone collector.
South coast, UK
Joe Dunlavy
My e-book "Brick and Kammers" on Kobo: [url=https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/brick-and-kammers]https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/brick-and-kammers[/url]
And my second novel, "Brick and Kammers: The Collection"
Queer girl, unfortunately Russian (no, I don’t agree with my government)
Hobbies: crochet, stitching, video games (RPGs and cozy games mostly, but there are plenty of exceptions), reading (audiobooks welcome, a lot of nonfiction but no “self improvement)
Aesthetics: cottagecore, goblincore, all things both creepy and cute
Raeez Kuhn
I am the official eezo the blind dj from south africa, dont be limited by your disability
[url=https://fairy.id/tags/i]#i[/url] am the future
Living beyond the life span of the average Australian male. Wadawurrung country, joined 5 million others in The Voice referendum. Saddened by the shallowness of the self interested.
Alan Summers
Alan Summers, founder, Call of the Page, and a Japan Times award-winning poet. I also give advice in writing and being published with haiku, haibun etc...
Lecturer in computing ATU Sligo. Interested in active travel and sustainability. Love the outdoors.
David Litwin
Postdoctoral Researcher GFZ Potsdam
Hydrology | Geomorphology | Critical Zone Science
Usually scientist, often klezmer musician
Sharon Cummings Art (Back Up)
Sharon Cummings Art. I am passionate about my [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/artwork]#artwork[/url]! Bright colors excite me. I am especially drawn to circles/mosaic. I love [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/writing]#writing[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/poetry]#poetry[/url].
We have an [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/organic]#organic[/url] homestead and grow our own [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/food]#food[/url].
As an Independent [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Artist]#Artist[/url], I owe my ability to survive to kind people who support me and my [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/art]#art[/url]! Collecting/BOOSTS/FOLLOWS APPRECIATED!
About Me:
I support human [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EQUITY]#EQUITY[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/KINDNESS]#KINDNESS[/url].
Alan Grant
From Dublin, Ireland. Now living in Málaga, Spain. Sharing photos from hikes, city walks, train trips, and travel in general. Mainly from Málaga and Ireland, for the moment anyway. Also at [url=https://www.flickr.com/people/alangrantphoto/]https://www.flickr.com/people/alangrantphoto/[/url]
Heiko | People Abroad
Travel Blogger, Photographer, Editor. Reisen, Wandern, Radfahren, Outdoor, Fotografieren, Nachhaltigkeit. [url=https://rheinneckar.social/tags/Travelblogger]#Travelblogger[/url] [url=https://rheinneckar.social/tags/Reiseblogger]#Reiseblogger[/url]
Blog: [url=https://www.people-abroad.de/blog/]https://www.people-abroad.de/blog/[/url]
Just me, Vince.
My priorities, sports and music. Not gay or bisexual not that there is anything wrong with being gay or bisexual. Maynard James Keenan is a lyrical genius. # TOOL. Don't forget, perspective is, SINGULAR!!!🤷🤦👍✌❤😌
[url=https://mastodon.sdf.org/tags/sports]#sports[/url] [url=https://mastodon.sdf.org/tags/music]#music[/url] [url=https://mastodon.sdf.org/tags/photography]#photography[/url]
A place for teachers. 👩🏫🍎
We make sharing & discovering [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/OER]#OER[/url] easy.
Join us at [url=https://elemedu.com]https://elemedu.com[/url]
Built by [url=https://mastodon.social/@nefkostak]@nefkostak[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.social/@liagason]@liagason[/url]
Sébastien Garnier
"Everything that appears is good; whatever is good will appear."
"Demonstration brings about verification, persuasion brings about assent."
Dublin dwelling dilettante, trying to navigate an increasingly difficult world. Cyclist, linux nerd, opinions all his own.
John Smyth
From Rahugh,Westmeath - living in Galway city since 2005. Photography, wildlife, outdoors, cooking. Current treasurer of Mountain Meitheal West (and we're always looking for volunteers!) More at johnsmyth.ie
Husband, father, papa. Chief Financial Officer and CPA by profession. Love to read history, historical fiction, Tolkien and Herbert. The outdoors is calling…
Profile photo: my jean clad legs and bright orange athletic shoes with the River Seine in Paris in the background.
Banner: brown, old parchment looking ceiling in my library where I am hand drawing a combined map of Middle Earth from the First and Third Ages. This portion is Dorthonion, in the north of Beleriand.
tom donald
messages from a shed
Schreiben, abstrakt Malen, Batik und selber Notizbücher herstellen sind meine bevorzugten Betätigungen. Häkeln versuche ich zu lernen, aber hierbei gerät sogar meine Engelsgeduld an ihre Grenzen 😉 Meine Kreationen biete ich über ko-fi an – demnächst, da ich dort noch ganz neu bin. An einer neuen Webseite arbeite ich. Das erweist sich jedoch als zäher als geplant. Weitere Themen werden [url=https://federation.network/tags/Linux]#Linux[/url] und meine Lieblingsmusik [url=https://federation.network/tags/Metal%F0%9F%A4%98sein]#Metal🤘sein[/url].
Bei aller Farbigkeit will ich nicht verheimlichen, dass auch mir dunkle Wolken begegnen. Diese zu unterdrücken, verleiht ihnen nur mehr Macht. Darum rede ich offen darüber, denn vielleicht können andere ihren Nutzen daraus ziehen.
[url=https://federation.network/tags/amwriting]#amwriting[/url] [url=https://federation.network/tags/drawing]#drawing[/url] [url=https://federation.network/tags/art]#art[/url]
London born, now a Sheffielder by way of Brighton and some other places. I do tech stuff to pay the bills but this may change. By education I'm a psychologist, but in different parallel universes I'm variously a philosopher, jazz musician, poet, novelist and dancer.
El Perro Negro
Hi I'm Richard, semi-retired adventurer/author living in [url=https://shmg.online/tags/Spain]#Spain[/url] with his [url=https://shmg.online/tags/husky]#husky[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/dogs]#dogs[/url]. Made in [url=https://shmg.online/tags/Yorkshire]#Yorkshire[/url], part Scot. El Perro Negro named after my first dog.
Will post about [url=https://shmg.online/tags/life]#life[/url] & [url=https://shmg.online/tags/hiking]#hiking[/url] in the [url=https://shmg.online/tags/Mountains]#Mountains[/url] especially the [url=https://shmg.online/tags/SierraNevada]#SierraNevada[/url], [url=https://shmg.online/tags/Spain]#Spain[/url] & [url=https://shmg.online/tags/Patagonia]#Patagonia[/url]. Enjoy [url=https://shmg.online/tags/landscape]#landscape[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/photography]#photography[/url].
Also enjoy [url=https://shmg.online/tags/webdevelopment]#webdevelopment[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/linux]#linux[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/foss]#foss[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/eleventy]#eleventy[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/11ty]#11ty[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/tech]#tech[/url] [url=https://shmg.online/tags/opensource]#opensource[/url]
Bit of a grumpy old man !