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Springs Plumbing is a plumbing expert in Phoenix, AZ. We provide reliable emergency services, unclogging, and water leak repairs to ensure you have solutions.
Fine art photography experimentalist. Using meditative discoveries to enter different dimensions and sketch and doodle too. Visual poetry interpretation with an online column of many poets in translation to English. A number of exhibitions and some features in mags. Two books published both available in good book stores including that prime one. My other job is managing a community shop. I love all my realities just to be clear. Open to collaboratives.
When this video was published on youtube on November 13, 2024, it was speculation. Now it is becoming a documentary.
Here is the Silicon Valley billionaire plan high level checklist:
Step 1: Campaign on Autocracy
Step 2: Purge the Bureaucracy
Step 3: Ignore the Courts
Step 4: Co-Opt the Congress
Step 5: Centralise Police and Powers
Step 6: Shut Down Elite Media and Academic Institutions
Butterfly Revolution Step 7: Turn Out the People