sourcePath = $value; return $this; } public function setTargetPath($value) { $this->targetPath = $value; return $this; } /** * Any cookies filtered should have their paths use this as a * minimum base. * * @access private * @return void */ private function getUseSourcePath() { return ($this->sourcePath && '/' === $this->sourcePath[0]) ? $this->sourcePath : '/' ; } public function setTargetHost($value) { $this->targetHost = $value; return $this; } public function getFilteredSetCookie($setCookie) { $oldParts = explode('; ', $setCookie); $newParts = $oldParts; foreach ($newParts as &$part) { if (0 === strpos($part, 'path=')) { $path = substr($part, 5); $useSourcePath = $this->getUseSourcePath(); if ( $this->targetPath && 0 === strpos($path, $this->targetPath) ) { // path starts with targetPath, so we can do path filtering $newPath = substr_replace( $path, $useSourcePath, 0, strlen($this->targetPath) ); $part = "path=$newPath"; } else { // otherwise fall back to / which means any path $part = "path=$useSourcePath"; } } elseif (0 === strpos($part, 'domain')) { // must rewrite the domain for it to work. if ($this->targetHost) { // domain only works if there is at least 1 dot in it. $domain = false !== strpos(substr($this->targetHost, 1), '.') ? $this->targetHost : ''; $part = "domain=$domain"; } } } $ret = join('; ', $newParts); return $ret; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDUyOTAxMjcwMjEzOTU1MCA3NDQzOTY4MDExMTk3MDg5IDI3OTY4NjgzNzE4NzgyOTY=