Fediverse | Servers | Members
Ellie Social
~3 users reported
This is a personal instance of Ellie Warren.
~3 users reported
This is the server for Typetura (https://typetura.com) and the personal accounts of those involved in Typetura.
~6 users reported
MiLLL Mastodon
~29 users reported
This is a server sponsored by Samoa's Ministry for Education, Sport, and Culture (MESC) as part of the MESC innovative Lifelong Learning Lab.
dComms Mykolayiv Mastodon
~39 users reported
Part of dcomm.net.ua. Decentralized communication tools you can use, even when Internet connectivity to Telegram, Whatsapp, Facebook and others is no longer available.
SaasyCloud.com Social
~8 users reported
Welcome to SaasyCloud's public Mastodon server. We love software/security/network engineering, with a dose of musical interest and tend to geek out. But anyone is welcome to join!
The Crows Nest
~11 users reported
A private server for members of the crows nest.
~4 users reported
Mastodon-Instanz zur persönlichen Verwendung, Registrierung ist deaktiviert.
~3 users reported
keyd's private mastodon server
~3 users reported
Flusswandern & Flussradeln
~13 users reported
~3 users reported
~3 users reported
I solved the "Which server to join" conundrum by starting my own. If you're after a server to join, feel free :)
We will not be federating with Facebook.
~9 users reported
~15 users reported
Server für Mitteilungen aus dem Umfeld von Freier Software für Vereine, Gemeinden und christliche Werke.
~3 users reported
Carol Nichols and Jake Goulding's Mastodon server
~3 users reported
Christ – Informatik – Podcaster
Wireless IoT
~4 users reported
Everything about Wireless IoT
Slightly Social
~3 users reported
A personal instance for people who are somewhat social.
~3 users reported
Mastodon (rwx.ch)
~5 users reported
Small approval needed server located in Switzerland for Friends and Family.
~4 users reported
~5 users reported
It doesn't have to be crazy at work!
A place for folks interested in (small-a) agile and lean ways of working, with a strong slant towards software delivery craft.
Eva en Emma's safe space
~4 users reported
We houden het veilig. We houden het prettig. Met jarenlange ervaring met het modereren van een echtemensenforum denken we dat ons dit ook wel moet lukken.
etw.uk Mastodon Server
~39 users reported
This is a simple Mastodon server, mainly for my own use but others are free to use it.