Fediverse | Servers | Members
~14 users reported
~15 users reported
A small server for the social group surrounding development for Apple platforms.
RimWorld Gallery
~266 users reported
A non-profit gallery for renders made from Rimworld games, and more
R.NF - Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse
~830 users reported
Your Gateway to the Unfiltered Fediverse
coolviruses.download 🔥🐟
~30 users reported
purrly meownaged mewstance by @split, purrimarily for friends. meow!
Free Gluten Space
~11 users reported
Une petite instance Mastodon (en construction)
~583 users reported
~78 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
~16 users reported
~16 users reported
WSTodonは、WSOFTが提供する汎用Mastodonサーバーです。2022年12月のWSOFT AdventWeek 3日目のために解説しました。
~14 users reported
Forest Hill & Sydenham Social
~14 users reported
A community server for Forest Hill, Sydenham and local area.
[Painting of the Avenue, Sydenham by Camille Pissarro]
~16 users reported
~75 users reported
Mastodon offered by SeattleMatrix.org
~16 users reported
The team at https://SeattleMatrix.org wanted to offer a safe online space for all to participate in the Fediverse from the Seattle/PNW Region. NOTE: Regional residency not required.
~15 users reported
~18 users reported
A server for myself (@Anthropy) and friends, running on the DragonHive infrastructure (dragonhive.net). Expect Geeky and Furry types of content, but most other types of subjects are also welcome!
PodHUBie, ktoré nás prepája
~49 users reported
Prepája nás s prírodou aj s našou prirodzenosťou, prepája nás medzi sebou aj naše zoskupenia - HUBy. Umožňuje nám spoluvytvárať nové a podporovať existujúce HUBy, ktoré nám umožnia plnohodnotne a symbioticky žiť svoje životy a zdieľať svoje záľuby. Umožňuje nám bezpečne zdieľať svoje zručnosti a nadania, čím podporujú život a zdravie nás všetkých. Prepája nás podporujúc a obohacujúc našu odolnosť a rozmanitosť. Symbiotic.planetA.earth ♥ Kopírovanie je prejavom lásky a Symbiocénu
~21 users reported
~604 users reported
~22 users reported
~16 users reported
Small instance for me and some friends
~20 users reported
A Mastodon instance for friends, family, stoats, and geeks.
~15 users reported
~25 users reported
A transformation-focused instance for artists, writers, roleplayers and enjoyers of transformation. Very friendly to all subcultures.