Fediverse | Servers | Members
~3 users reported
~4 users reported
~10 users reported
Rocklin.Dev Mastodon
~3 users reported
This server is run by @joe.
This is a personal instance that is not open for general signup. If you have interest in a 'rocklin.dev' identity, please contact me.
~3 users reported
Swift Devs Space
~3 users reported
A Mastodon server for Swift developers.
Make sure to read the rules before joining.
~3 users reported
Reality2.social is the fediverse home of the Reality 2.0 podcast. Privacy, tech policy, security, open source and standards, and digital identity and our new reality are our thing.
~16 users reported
~5 users reported
~5 users reported
~4 users reported
~8 users reported
~3 users reported
個人で運営しているサーバです。不特定ユーザの join は受け付けていません。
~3 users reported
Geneadon Social
~5 users reported
A genealogy focused Mastodon instance on the Fediverse; an online community for genealogists, by genealogists.
~5 users reported
~3 users reported
A new mastodon instance for people who think that physics is cool.
~5 users reported
This is Eviltrout's personal Mastodon server
~4 users reported
This server is run by Brian Steere. If you're here, you probably know who that is. Or you at least know someone who does.
~4 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
All emails must be verified for an account to be approved.
MakerForce Mastodon
~7 users reported
The MakerForce Mastodon is a mastodon server for friends of MakerForce. Get in touch with any of our members to get added.
~12 users reported
Ferien in Bayern: erholsamer, einmaliger Traumurlaub. Hier finden Sie News, Veranstaltungen und Interviews aus ganz Bayern.
~3 users reported
Urban sustainability, tech, gardening, transit, and community.
~5 users reported
Bloodmoon Network
~2 users reported