Fediverse | Servers | Members
Mastodon de revelin.fr
~4 users reported
~8 users reported
PicaTube est l'instance Peertube de Picasoft.
Son rôle principal est d'héberger les vidéos de l'association.
Elle peut héberger les vidéos d'autres projets et assos amies.
~4 users reported
An experimental server just for the Inman family
~14 users reported
❤️👉 Discussieer ook mee via t.me/wakkerenchat 👈❤️
~3 users reported
Rob's mastodon instance
~4 users reported
Private mastodon instance for @rob@m.heine.xyz and his friends.
~4 users reported
The Goofs Space
~5 users reported
Generalistic instance that is art friendly. Goofy people are welcome !
Laboratório Hacker de Campinas
~36 users reported
[PT-BR] Instância do PeerTube dos associados e frequentadores do Laboratório Hacker de Campinas.
[EN] PeerTube instance for associates of Laboratório Hacker de Campinas.
McKellar Social
~4 users reported
A Mastodon Server For The McKellar Family
~12 users reported
~8 users reported
i didn't expect to keep this running but here we are. instance formally run on a powermac g5.
~4 users reported
Kleine, private Instanz der onurb.net-Gruppe. Schwerpunktthemen: Musik, Kunst, Bildung, Technik
~7 users reported
Diese Instanz ist offen für Menschen, die sich für ein friedliches Miteinander einsetzen. Sie wird betrieben von Adrian und Gisela Dymorz.
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
This is a personal server, nobody interesting here :)
Eric Scouten :: Social
~4 users reported
This is a personal instance.
~6 users reported
In the 21st century people are drowning in information. Email, instant messaging, news feeds, and of course the web. A small group of developers has taken up the fight.
~4 users reported
Private instance for Hutchie and Co., geared towards furries.
Content should be SFW with the exception of foul language.
~4 users reported
garmy's solo-user Mastodon server.
The Beep Zone
~5 users reported
Mastodon Glitch Edition
~4 users reported
~5 users reported
Moe's Git
~26 users reported
Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.
~4 users reported
My own little star in cyberspace