Fediverse | Servers | Members
~13 users reported
~24 users reported
"And on that happy note..."
~141 users reported
Community based calckey instance for the Radio War Nerd podcast.
"And on that happy note..."
~15 users reported
An equestrian Mastodon instance. We welcome all types of equestrians, riding styles and horses and their humans!
Moixa Mental
~12 users reported
Col·lectiu d’acció creativa
~45 users reported
Herzlich Willkommen auf der Mastodon Instanz der FREIEN WÄHLER. Dieser Server ist für alle offiziellen Parteigliederungen und alle interessierten Mitglieder gedacht.
~34 users reported
Two Ten Labs
~14 users reported
This is a playground for projects on Mastodon where I didn't feel comfortable using someone else's server.
Oh No. Aw Jeez. Help.
~12 users reported
This is a general purpose hobbyist instance intended for a close friend group of nice people to access the fediverse/activepub. Thank you for your interest.
~13 users reported
This is Terra Social - the place for Terra Player, our partners and our listeners to connect.
~143 users reported
~28 users reported
This is a lovingly run mastodon instance for CartyBoston's friends. High performance, high empathy, no hate, no ads, no money.
~34 users reported
Mastodon is Free, Ad Free, Distributed and Not for Sale. Here we want to provide a supportive and inclusive server instance to help people find their way in this Fediverse.
~30 users reported
The Voiceover Bar
~75 users reported
A place for voiceover artists; actors; producers; engineers and other audio production creatives (professional and amateur) to meet; talk and share in a safe place.
Gidi's Friendica
~8 users reported
Gidi's personal Friendica server
Musenhains Friendica
~2 users reported
Mastodon für die Uckermark
~21 users reported
Ein Mastodon Server für und von Menschen aus der Uckermark.
~33 users reported
~13 users reported
~17 users reported
Private instance for crabs (and future crabs)
~16 users reported
Le Marud-verse
~26 users reported
L'instance qui POUTRE de la LOUTRE !
Un endroit chill où le mot d'ordre principal est : respecte les autres fedi-loutres.
N'oubliez pas d'aller vérifier les règles d'utilisation avant toute chose (... > à propos de l'instance > les conditions d'utilisation)
Please go check the instance rules before anything else (... > à propos de l'instance > les conditions d'utilisation)
~25 users reported
This is a server for the Belgian military community, to interact in a positive way with the general population on Mastodon.
~14 users reported
Private Mastodon server for a bunch of friends.