Fediverse | Servers | Members
IndieHackers on Mastodon
~164 users reported
A hustling and bustling community of independent app/web makers + entrepreneurs. We #buildinpublic and learn, struggle and celebrate together. Join the friendly grind and share your journey with us!
~9 users reported
NSFW.lgbt is a sex-worker and LGBTQ-friendly social network that allows all adults regardless of sexuality to share legal NSFW content. This is a SAFE SPACE for LGBTQ+ adults, although non-queer adults and allies are welcome. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
GSI Pixelfed
~171 users reported
~47 users reported
~139 users reported
A Peertube instance for everyone interested in walkable, livable places.
~55 users reported
~73 users reported
A computer-centric instance all about id Tech based video games and PC/UNIX gaming.
~25 users reported
This server is only for people Charles Randall knows and trusts in some fashion.
I promise to keep the lights on, and give you a lot of warning if for some reason that changes.
~29 users reported
~68 users reported
~74 users reported
Who doesn't love cheeseburgers? Cheeseburger.social is a General open instance for anyone wanting to be a part of the Fediverse!
~64 users reported
Lemmy Português - Uma instância pública de Lemmy dedicada a toda a comunidade de LÃngua Portuguesa.
~1013 users reported
Uma instância pública de Lemmy dedicada a toda a comunidade de Língua Portuguesa.
~28 users reported
~27 users reported
A server made out of Purdue Grit™ and some tape
The Funky Boi
~885 users reported
~55 users reported
Instanță de socializare dedicată tutoror celor care doresc să promoveze interesele Regatului lui Dumnezeu.
~25 users reported
~128 users reported
Sergal.org - Mastodon
~244 users reported
Mastodon Racing
~162 users reported
🇬🇧 Instance dedicated to Motorsports,any kind of topic is accepted. Moderation is done in English or in French.
🇫🇷 Petite instance dédiée aux Sports Mécaniques, tout type de sujet y est accepté.
~2139 users reported
Minimal, federated blogging platform.
Mastodon - CL
~124 users reported
Instancia de Mastodon en español con temática general orientado a la comunidad chilena para generar un espacio seguro, abierto y democrático en internet
~141 users reported
~121 users reported