Fediverse | Servers | Members
The First Pakistani Mastodon Instance!
~380 users reported
Paktodon is an Independent social-platform for the Global South – an ‘azad’ space for ordinary citizens, students, and activists to share, learn, grow, and collaborate in.
~38 users reported
Community of active transportation users & enthusiasts in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
~55 users reported
iJUG Interessenverbund der Java User Groups e. V.
~41 users reported
Social Network des iJUG e. V.
~130 users reported
🍋 Лампочка - место, где люди делятся теплом излучения своих мыслей. Именно лампочку рисуют над головами людей, когда они загораются идеями.
~80 users reported
~155 users reported
FlokiNET Social
~34 users reported
~103 users reported
Bdx.town est un réseau social local ouvert sur le reste du monde. Un espace d’échange et de partage à destination première des esprits créatifs (artistes, artisanes & artisans, créateurs & créatrices, concepteurs & conceptrices, militantes et militants…) de Bordeaux et ses alentours. 🛠️
Meow Cloud
~51 users reported
A wild general purpose Mastodon instance.
一个野生的通用 Mastodon 实例。
一個野生的通用 Mastodon 實例。
野生の汎用 Mastodon インスタンス。
거친 범용 마스토돈 인스턴스.
~30 users reported
La petite instance qui dit “Meu !” au grand Fédiverse.
Offensichtlich Die Antifa, wer sonst?
~46 users reported
BookToot Club
~139 users reported
A place for book lovers to talk about books and whatever else is on their minds.
~39 users reported
Our MonkeySphere
~33 users reported
This Monkey Sphere is here to provide an online living room to our little group friends, their friends, and their friends’ friends
akiba party
~70 users reported
Dedicated to anime, games, and net culture, as well as the irl gatherings around them. Cosplay/jfashion hoarders, arcade regulars, artists, gamedevs, streamers, con goers, and others welcome! 日本語でOK
Vtuber House
~50 users reported
Vtuber House is a Mastodon instance for vtubers--content creators who use a digital avatar to represent themselves in their work--and their fans!
~123 users reported
Karlsruhe.Social Mastodon
~57 users reported
Betrieben von:
Andreas Gräber
Pfeiferäcker 14
76287 Rheinstetten
Server Titelfoto: AdobeStock / tichr
~104 users reported
~36 users reported
~24 users reported
Porušování zákonů České republiky není dovoleno.
Udělám vše, co je v mých silách, abych tuto instanci udržel funkční. Přesto běh tohoto serveru není zaručen. Svá data si zálohujte!
Pokusně jsem otevřel registraci bez schvalování.
Vyhrazuji si právo smazat účty, které nadměrně vytěžují server nebo propagují jakékoli ideologie.
Účty neaktivní alespoň 6 měsíců budou smazány.
Violation of the laws of the Czech Republic is not allowed.
I will do my best to keep this instance up and running. However, the running of this server is not guaranteed. Back up your data!
I tried to open the registration without approval.
I reserve the right to delete accounts that overtax the server or promote any ideologies.
Accounts inactive at least 6 months will be deleted.
Friendica Social Network
~2 users reported
~187 users reported
The Illuminati! On Mastadon! Or maybe not. Maybe just some random people interested in various things. Exercise skepticism.
~73 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server