Fediverse | Servers | Members
Lemmy.VG - A vegan-only Lemmy server existing to provide the vegan community safe access to the Fediverse.
~60 users reported
A vegan-only Lemmy server existing to provide the vegan community safe access to the Fediverse.
~1 users reported
poetry and some more
Sinners Mastodon
~1 users reported
Server for Sinners.
Jake's Flea Market
~1 users reported
it never comes out the way it went in
~1 users reported
Open Science
~15 users reported
We are a network of scientists, developers and organizations building the next generation of digital spaces for open science.
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
Private/family-and-friends Sharkey server.
Mastodon is dead, Firefish is in the maintenance mode, and the Sharkey came from their ashes...
After failure of maintaining glitch-soc/Mastodon instance under sowi.space, I came back with Firefish install. I was long planning on migrating to it, back when it was called Calckey, but before I got to that the db for Mastodon got corrupted. There were attempts at reanimating the whole ordeal, but finally I gave up. Thus fresh install.
Unfortunately Firefish went into maintenance mode in 2024, and I choose to move to Sharkey, so here we are.
~1 users reported
Eskapistisches Egozine seit 2007
~2 users reported
A personal instance
~1 users reported
A chill place for buddies to hang out.
~1 users reported
~3 users reported
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
IMC's Tea Empire
~15 users reported
New Fediverse instance of IMC's Tea Empire, not as gracefully as I would've wanted replacing md.ilyamikcoder.com. Currently experimental, expect issues.
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Consultation de voyance avec Isis
~1 users reported
Voyance dans tous les domaines sauf la politique et la santé
~32 users reported
cyberpunk.gay: putting the punk back in cyberpunk since 2024!!! more info: https://cybersyndicate.info
Presence's Weblog
~2 users reported
This is my Friendica fediverse instance, running on my home FreeBSD box in Auburn, Washington, where I throw up weblog posts and stuff, like old timey Livejournal.
~8 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
Politische Perspektiven
~2 users reported
Politik, Gesellschaft und Zeitgeschehen - als Blog und Podcast.
Forgejo: Beyond coding. We Forge.
~1 users reported
Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.
~1 users reported
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