Fediverse | Servers | Members
~93 users reported
~82 users reported
~97 users reported
msdyn365bc.social is an English speaking Mastodon instance that is open to anyone who is interested in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (FKA Microsoft Dynamics NAV).
Supported by mibuso.com
~242 users reported
BookToot Club
~139 users reported
A place for book lovers to talk about books and whatever else is on their minds.
~47 users reported
No Pasaran! 奴らを通すな!
~60 users reported
~83 users reported
~217 users reported
A general social gathering space to discuss a wide range of topics and thoughts.
~114 users reported
A community for fashion and luxury
~91 users reported
A Supernatural fandom space, run by fans for fans. All 18+ fans are welcome, you need only love Supernatural and care about other people.
Ouroboros is Gay
~21 users reported
handful of strange and confusing creatures.
Sign Up
-= friendica xyz - Eine kleine Instanz im Fediverse =-
~13 users reported
Ein kleiner Friendica Knoten aus Norddeutschland. Nette Menschen sind immer willkommen. Diese Instanz läuft immer auf der aktuellen Entwickler Version, kann also auch mal instabil sein.
Die Registrierung muss vom Admin frei gegeben werden.
~94 users reported
Social media owned by you
The Sanctum of Fanlan
~38 users reported
~126 users reported
El canal de vídeo 24/7 para conocer la información.
~10 users reported
ElysiumNET | Akkoma
~28 users reported
Elysium is a haven in the spaces between worlds for queer people, anti-fascists, plural systems, neurodivergent people, and others who reject the status quo of the outside world.
~11 users reported
server for krebspeople
Muffin Industries
~11 users reported
Colin's personal server. If you're a friend and looking for a place to host your account, let me know!
Empresas e Negócios
~46 users reported
Instância brasileira para empresas, negócios e empreendedores.
Brazilian instance for companies, businesses and entrepreneurs.
~15 users reported
IRIS BarcelonaTech
~17 users reported
Servidor Mastodon de l'Institut de Recerca i Innovació en Salut de la Universtitat Politècnica de Catatalunya - BarcelonaTech
One Photo Club
~38 users reported
One Photo Club is a semi-private photo-sharing community focused *solely* on travel + outdoor adventures; all posts are limited to those topics. Please see https://about.onephoto.club before joining.
~11 users reported
Русскоязычный сервер общей тематики. Миссия Andamunda - поддержание мира, гармонии и взаимопонимания на закате Эры Разобщенного Мира.