Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
Andrew Melder
~1 users reported
Lucky husband and father. Always interested in gadgets and consumer technology. Dabble in photography, gaming and dad humour.
~1 users reported
genapo - genapo@motivat.ion.ovh
~1 users reported
De la genèse à l'Apocalypse (genapo). Notes au sujet de la lecture de la Bible
Lire la Bible chaque jour ou presque est important. Je note ici quelques idées et pensés. cela aide à la méditation. C'est partagé pour pouvez aussi répondre et en tirer votre nouriture ou votre critique. La Parole de Dieu est vivante.
Ce site utilise l'application streams. Cette application a été laissé à la communauté mais elle ressemble beaucoup à Hubzilla. Elle sert de POC prove of concept.
~33 users reported
디스코드 공식 파트너 서버 프리즘의 연합우주 인스턴스입니다.
다양한 사람들이 모여 여러 빛깔을 내는 것을 지향합니다.
~1 users reported
StarOpenSource Fly
~9 users reported
StarOpenSource's general purpose Sharkey instance
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
VikingKong's Den
~3 users reported
Free Speech Extremist
~1733 users reported
FSE temporary bugout zone until the new code is ready, but mostly a development instance, so it will not run like regular FSE: closed registrations (but if you had an account, your old username/password will work), I will shoot anything that annoys me while I am hacking (and if you are hoping for a warning shot, please do not annoy me until ammo prices drop), etc. Lots of things will be broken periodically because this is a development instance. Direct complaints to your friendly local anarchist @p, or if you are a total dick, just #fediblock us based on rumors/assumptions without trying to reach out, just like you did with FSE! Full explanation here: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/update-and-roadmap.html
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
~4 users reported
Codename Merp
~1 users reported
Tims Blog
~1 users reported
Core ◆ Talk
~467 users reported
Core ◆ Talk is where blockchain enthusiasts, advocates of decentralization, and the Fediverse community converge. It's a movement for digital autonomy, ethical interaction, and free expression. Join us to share, discuss, and connect over the transformative power of blockchain within a secure and respectful environment. Rediscover digital freedom with Core ◆ Talk. ActivityPub relay: https://relay.fedi.buzz/instance/coretalk.space
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
Samuel Lison
~1 users reported
Bobadin Fediverse
~6 users reported
Bobadin è il progetto di un carpentiere dell'informatica¹ che si è appassionato al selfhosting.Dopo aver installato vari servizi per me e per gli amici ho aperto questa istanza GoToSocial per gioco, ma poi mi ci sono affezionato.Non è più un test, è la mia nuova casa nel fediverso.Istanza aperta a chi vuole provare l'esperienza di #GoToSocial.Non sono federato con Threads/Meta#ThisIsTheWay¹ Questa è di Ndo
~2 users reported