Fediverse | Servers | Members
Jubilife Global Terminal
~12 users reported
An invite-only Mastodon instance geared towards nerdiness and geekery with a mind for social justice. Slightly Pokémon themed. Has a Phanpy mascot!
~15 users reported
~876 users reported
Come on in, the water's fine.
~13 users reported
We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in gaming in general.
~13 users reported
~25 users reported
This is a server for the Belgian military community, to interact in a positive way with the general population on Mastodon.
~14 users reported
Private Mastodon server for a bunch of friends.
~19 users reported
Fediversum Instanz für weltoffene Leute mit Bezug und Liebe zum deutschen Osten
Community Video
~25 users reported
Welcome to Community Media Peertube. We're a videosharing platform inspired by the concept of [Community Media](https://communitymedia.network) offering paid but affordable peertube video hosting to the larger community.
Mastodon for Penn State Supporters
~15 users reported
Independent site for Penn Staters, not operated by the University. Click "Learn More" below to learn more about this service or click "create account" to get started.
~14 users reported
Mastodon Glitch Edition
~14 users reported
Vreid var Tyrving.
Fediverse.science & Fedi.science
~31 users reported
Fediverse.science unified with Fedi.science. The global fediverse of sciences, using both names alternatively suitable for each unser name
~11 users reported
~19 users reported
An instance for the discussion of every piece of writing you may have committed to paper in your entire life.
Cezeri Social
~20 users reported
Welcome Aboard!
This is our ship in the Fediverse and it welcomes everyone who wants to chat, share and enjoy.
The majority of the posts are in Turkish and in English.
~20 users reported
~22 users reported
The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data.
~23 users reported
~23 users reported
Diese Mastodon Instanz ist für Personen aus dem Kreis Plön und umliegender Umgebung gedacht, jedoch sind alle willkommen.
~17 users reported
~18 users reported
~80 users reported
くびわつきーは、NTT東日本NGN網およびIPv6インターネットユーザー向けのソーシャルネットワーキングサービスです。IPv4接続の方は新規登録できません。日常、グルメ、趣味、ポップカルチャーからサブカルチャー、よりニッチな投稿まで幅広い話題を独自の絵文字で彩る汎用サーバーです。/ KUBIWATSKEY is a social networking service for NGN (Regional IP Network) and IPv6 Internet users in Japan. It is a general-purpose server that accepts a wide range of topics from daily life, gourmet, hobby, pop culture, subculture, and more niche posts with unique reactions.
~18 users reported
~48 users reported