Fediverse | Servers | Members
Canadian Civil Mastodon
~8 users reported
The Canadian Civil mastodon server
Xscape Club
~6 users reported
An efficient and flexible fediverse server
Jabberwocky Ecology
~4 users reported
Ethan White and Morgan Ernest's blog for discussing issues and ideas related to ecology and academia.
~7 users reported
Alaturka: Amerika Türk Toplumunu Keşfedin | Etkinlikler, Haberler, Kültürel Bağlar
~6 users reported
mnglw.xyz is a personal instance for the Moonglow system. (and friends)
We are in limited federation mode, our reasons why and rules can be found here
Delfinpe PeerTube
~8 users reported
This is a private PeerTube instance. Nothing to see here, sorry!
~26 users reported
This server is SDASocial for the Social SDA. Server is designed to be primarily for Seventh-day Adventists to connect!
~4 users reported
🔧 Aquí la filosofía es tan libre que hasta tu BIOS respira hondo. 🚀 Modifica, comparte y personaliza sin límites. 🌍 #OpenSource #Hardware #PotatoGaming
Computerwerk Darmstadt e.V.
~10 users reported
Menschen mit Computern helfen
~20 users reported
PeerTube, a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
Running on FreeBSD.
scitech.video PeerTube
~545 users reported
Videos from the technical community
~4 users reported
Dies ist die Homepage von Grindcore!.
~10 users reported
Internet burnout - Sometimes we speak Lithuanian here. Kalbi lietuviškai?
~87 users reported
Sometimes we speak Lithuanian here. Kalbi lietuviškai?
~8 users reported
Bu platform, Müslümanların bir araya gelip fikir alışverişinde bulunabileceği, topluluk oluşturarak birbirleriyle bağlantı kurmalarını sağlayan bir sosyal ağdır. İslami değerler ışığında, dostluk, day
~9 users reported
Bavarian Connection
~6 users reported
Games, Cars, Nerdery.
Podcastowa Trzecia Strona
~6 users reported
Wellesley 100
~17 users reported
Test server for wellesley
3DNS - Tube
~11 users reported
Videostreaming Platform
Another Super Social
~13 users reported
Another super dot social thingy aka A.S.S.todon. :super:
~229 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Viridian Patriots
~22 users reported
Representatives of the gentle people