Fediverse | Servers | Members
~7 users reported
~9 users reported
~9 users reported
A friends-only Mastodon server.
Messy desk
~8 users reported
Messy Desk is a small fediverse instance for queer and queer-friendly hackers, makers, and artists, spawned from the mastodon.technology diaspora. New members must be invited by an existing member.
Mast Insaan
~13 users reported
An Indian Mastodon server opened as a personal project. This is meant to be a nice fun place for people who want chill vibes and shitposting.
~12 users reported
Mastodon.re est un serveur mastodon public réunionnais accessible à toutes et à tous.
~10 users reported
An ordinary place, for not so ordinary people.
A Space In Between
~8 users reported
Instance Mastodon personnelle. Juste parce qu'on est tellement bien chez soi, avec quelques copains.
~12 users reported
A Space In Between
~8 users reported
Instance Mastodon personnelle. Juste parce qu'on est tellement bien chez soi, avec quelques copains.
~26 users reported
~17 users reported
A private mastodon instance because it's hard to trust others.
PublicSpaces Social
~9 users reported
~43 users reported
A Mastodon instance for lockpicking enthusiasts.
~30 users reported
~16 users reported
트위터 트친 분들 혹은 새로 시작하는 분들에게 열린 개인 인스턴스입니다.
Oliphant Social
~16 users reported
A small but mighty band of warrior-poet oliphants. Safe harbor and fair speech zone. Moving to olifant.social on 4/8/2025.
~20 users reported
Praxis.Red Hacker House
~12 users reported
#Lansing #Michigan tech collective and #hacker house dedicated to cultivating #prosocial change through #engagement, #entertainment, #education, and #example.
XXIV Production
~36 users reported
Видеоплощадка XXIV Production.
Подкасты, видеоблоги, стримы и прочая дичь
Information-Document-Documentation Mastodon
~33 users reported
Cette instance de Mastodon est un espace de collaboration et d'échange dédié aux acteurs (étudiant.e.s.; professionnel.le.s; chercheur.ices) des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques.
Display Europe
~37 users reported
Display Europe. Connecting European Independent Media by Breaking any Language Barrier.
Mastodon Evolix
~13 users reported
~207 users reported
a PeerTube instance for scanlines.xyz, a community centered on DIY audiovisual/electronic art and experimentation.
Jan's Mastodon
~7 users reported
Osobní Mastodon server :-)