Fediverse | Servers | Members
~100 users reported
~511 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
Geek News Central Mastodon Chat
~49 users reported
This Mastodon Instance is for listeners of the Geek News Central Podcast.
~26 users reported
~15 users reported
Furry Mastodon Instanz von freunden, für freunde und mit freunden. / Furry Mastodon Instance from friends, for friends and with friends.
~35 users reported
Mastodon Garden
~25 users reported
A Mastodon server for the Chicago civic tech community
Friendica Chilemasto
~124 users reported
Más info en https://home.chilemasto.casa. Por favor recuerda revisar tu Spam si te registras.
~16 users reported
~17 users reported
~23 users reported
A mastodon instance for the mile high city. Any human is welcome to join. (Signups have to be manually approved to cut-down on spam.)
WebDev Social
~25 users reported
Calling all Web Designers and Developers. This is a Mastodon instance for us all to connect and chat about the amazing websites and web apps we are building.
~38 users reported
~23 users reported
Diese Mastodon-Instanz wird von der Univention GmbH betrieben.
~33 users reported
Mastodon instance made by scientists for scientists!
~352 users reported
Mastodon is a social network based on open web protocols and free, open-source software. It is decentralized like e-mail.
~81 users reported
~6 users reported
~22 users reported
관리자부터가 제정신이 아닌 인스턴스. 언제든지 사라질 수 있으며 폭파일은 유저에게 통보되지 않습니다.
~25 users reported
This server is only for people Charles Randall knows and trusts in some fashion.
I promise to keep the lights on, and give you a lot of warning if for some reason that changes.
Social Club
~113 users reported
Social Club is a New York City-based Mastodon server.
~36 users reported
~24 users reported
Porušování zákonů České republiky není dovoleno.
Udělám vše, co je v mých silách, abych tuto instanci udržel funkční. Přesto běh tohoto serveru není zaručen. Svá data si zálohujte!
Pokusně jsem otevřel registraci bez schvalování.
Vyhrazuji si právo smazat účty, které nadměrně vytěžují server nebo propagují jakékoli ideologie.
Účty neaktivní alespoň 6 měsíců budou smazány.
Violation of the laws of the Czech Republic is not allowed.
I will do my best to keep this instance up and running. However, the running of this server is not guaranteed. Back up your data!
I tried to open the registration without approval.
I reserve the right to delete accounts that overtax the server or promote any ideologies.
Accounts inactive at least 6 months will be deleted.
~69 users reported
Offizieller Mastodon Server der Piratenpartei Österreichs, offen für Mitglieder und Interessierte an digitalen Rechten, Transparenz und Bürgerfreiheiten.
~137 users reported