Fediverse | Servers | Members
Mastodon Berlin
~3829 users reported
MIT ÖKOSTROM BETRIEBEN:Erste Instanz,wenn dir BerlinerLuft nicht reicht...!Berlin(D)-BezogeneBegründung erforderlich!NO ACCOUNTS IN NON EUROPEAN LANGUAGES- NUR Begründungen in ganzen SÄTZEN akzeptiert
~1226 users reported
A small instance for and by people who make things! We stand for an open, independent, sustainable, inclusive, and accessible web.
~484 users reported
mastoart.social is a creative space for you to share your art and be part of a friendly creative community. A Mastodon instance that's hosted in Germany and runs on 100% green energy.
~5695 users reported
midwest.social - A lemmy server for, but not limited to, leftists in the Midwest USA
~2208 users reported
A lemmy server for, but not limited to, leftists in the Midwest USA
Aussie Zone - Lemmy for Australians and those that love Australia. All welcome. Signups are open.
~2594 users reported
Lemmy for Australians and those that love Australia. All welcome. Signups are open.
~2177 users reported
The place to express your ❤️ more freely. / あなたの「すき」をもっと自由に書き表すための場所。
~1101 users reported
~6135 users reported
YUKIMOCHI Toot Relay Service
~338 users reported
~1537 users reported
1. 驴肉火烧是一个开放的长毛象(Mastodon)实例,在法律允许的前提下保证言论自由。
2. 驴肉火烧的服务器位于德国,站长定居加拿大,站长保证不会主动泄露大家数据,但来自某些地区的象友请务必注意隐私保护。
3. 申请时会默认关注管理员,注册成功后可取消关注。
4. 请勿使用网易系邮箱或QQ邮箱注册,注册后14天内无任何操作(发嘟、换头像或关注)的账号将被删除。
~1515 users reported
This is a cute server for all LGBTQIA ppl out there that want a caring and safe environment.
If you are part of the LGBTQIA community you are very cordially invited to join this server.
iriseden Mastodon
~11138 users reported
Instance Mastodon hébergée en France chez OVH (AS16276) et maintenue par @iriseden. Vos données ne seront jamais partagées à qui que ce soit et sont sauvegardées tous les jours. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes, les sujets sont libres tant que vous respectez les quelques conditions. Vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire sur mon instance Peertube ou une autre :)
Music World
~1179 users reported
Server for all music enthusiasts. Concerts, festivals, new music discovery, music collectors, artists, music charts etc.
Gaygeek Social
~1901 users reported
This server is intended as a safe place for LGBTQIA+ individuals to socialize. You do not have to be LGBTQIA to join, so long as you are an ally.
Benvenuto nel Poliverso
~871 users reported
Poliverso, l'istanza Friendica con più utenti attivi al mondo, è nata per offrire un social network senza limiti di caratteri e integrato nel Fediverso: uno spazio politico, poliedrico e policentrico in cui discutere i temi dell'attualità e, in particolare, privacy, diritti digitali, diritto alla conoscenza e open source.
~9837 users reported
Welcome to Stranger Social, where strangers become friends and the world becomes a little smaller. We're a friendly and welcoming community that's open to everyone - so come on in and join the party!
~1076 users reported
A home for makers, musicians, artists and DIY folks
Cycle-3 Éducatif
~4356 users reported
Cette instance Peertube est mise à disposition par le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports.
~1846 users reported
Bienvenue sur Shelter ! Au menu, discussions adultes, otaku et geek, avec des gens sympas et dans le plus grand respect possible.
~2344 users reported
Mastodon for geeks and nerds of every type and stripe.
~709 users reported
Layer8 in Space
~2494 users reported
Welcome to the 8th Layer of Madness
Most topics are related to Linux, Anime, Music, Software and maaaany more
PS: BSD is also welcome 😜
Yukimochi Relay at https://relay.dresden.network
~320 users reported
~22900 users reported
A women-first social network. Feminist, federated, and free.