Fediverse | Servers | Members
~17 users reported
~13 users reported
This instance is for Indigenous Mississippi River Delta/Gulf Coast organizations and community members to connect. This platform was made by a 2spirit Houma person, for their community to expand into.
~10 users reported
~9 users reported
A small group bringing people together through charity and gaming.
Panic Social
~11 users reported
The official home for Panic and Playdate Mastodon accounts. Hooray!!
~8 users reported
This is a private Mastodon instance run & hosted by Yvan - it's mainly for family, maybe friends - just ask! To follow Yvan pop this into your Fedi search: @yvan@toot.ale.gd
~15 users reported
the madhammer club
~13 users reported
~18 users reported
Gebruikers van deds.nl kunnen hier korte berichtjes publiceren.
Huishoudelijke e-mails zijn afkomstig van dedsmastodon@protagio.nl (bijvoorbeeld bij het inschrijven).
~13 users reported
Neat.Computer is a collection of neat little services on the internet, open to the public :)
~14 users reported
Mastodon instance of PegeLinux Community.
~16 users reported
WSTodonは、WSOFTが提供する汎用Mastodonサーバーです。2022年12月のWSOFT AdventWeek 3日目のために解説しました。
Mastodon offered by SeattleMatrix.org
~16 users reported
The team at https://SeattleMatrix.org wanted to offer a safe online space for all to participate in the Fediverse from the Seattle/PNW Region. NOTE: Regional residency not required.
~75 users reported
PodHUBie, ktoré nás prepája
~49 users reported
Prepája nás s prírodou aj s našou prirodzenosťou, prepája nás medzi sebou aj naše zoskupenia - HUBy. Umožňuje nám spoluvytvárať nové a podporovať existujúce HUBy, ktoré nám umožnia plnohodnotne a symbioticky žiť svoje životy a zdieľať svoje záľuby. Umožňuje nám bezpečne zdieľať svoje zručnosti a nadania, čím podporujú život a zdravie nás všetkých. Prepája nás podporujúc a obohacujúc našu odolnosť a rozmanitosť. Symbiotic.planetA.earth ♥ Kopírovanie je prejavom lásky a Symbiocénu
~16 users reported
Small instance for me and some friends
~27 users reported
social.netz.org - federated, free for all
~15 users reported
This Instance was built as a home for all kinds of Hackers / Nerds / geeks.
We don't bother with too many rules. Just be a cool person. Don't mess things up. Be excellent to each other.
~16 users reported
telegrafverket.cc är en stängd Mastodon-instans för ett slutet sällskap. Instansen har ingen koppling till, och representerar inte, tidigare eller nuvarande myndigheter eller varumärken.
~12 users reported
This is the Mastodon server for Snapp Mobile, Snapp Automotive, and We Are Systematic.
~15 users reported
Globālā īsziņu tīkla serveris latviešu valodas lietotājiem.
Sächsische Medien auf Mastodon
~18 users reported
Mit dem Projekt @sachsen-medien.social entsteht eine dezentrale Kommunikationsplattform für sächsische Medien.
~15 users reported
bumscode.com - an invite-only Fediverse instance for tech-professionals, coders, hackers, open-source enthusiasts and alike
Fediverse Austria
~28 users reported
Die Instanz für engagierte Menschen und kritische Geister mit Österreich-Bezug - unabhängig von Wohnort oder Staatsbürgerschaft. Persönlich & nutzerfinanziert, Betreiber ist Ingo Lantschner.
Grant’s Cafe
~41 users reported
Come grab a drink at grants.cafe