Fediverse | Servers | Members
~8 users reported
mind awake
~5 users reported
lets hope elke doesnt kill it after 2 months this time
~4 users reported
little iceshrimp net instance for me and my friends. if u want a account dm me
akkoma-fe is at akko-fe.authenyo.xyz
Jason Griffey
~2 users reported
"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past…"
~4 users reported
yyds.re 音乐大师社区
Kwak ?!
~6 users reported
Cette instance Iceshrimp a été mise en place pour permettre à @AntoineD et @goldensuneur d’interagir dans le fediverse.
Elle est mise à jour quotidiennement pour disposer des dernières nouveautées de la branche de développement.
Quelques tweaks d’interface y sont appliqués.
Les inscriptions se font par invitation.
Lire la charte
~20 users reported
The Interledger Foundation’s home in the fediverse. People interested in the foundation, Interledger Protocol, Open Payments API, and Web Monetization API are welcome to join.
~10 users reported
Raildon Online
~28 users reported
~4 users reported
Mastodon der Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
~7 users reported
Diese Mastodon-Instanz dient der institutionellen Wissenschaftskommunikation des Forschungszentrums Jülich, seiner Institutionen und ausgewählter Projekte mit FZJ-Beteiligung.
~6 users reported
~14 users reported
The premier Minnesota Mastodon instance.
~4 users reported
voer voor gelovigen
~46 users reported
~9 users reported
FireVideo is a tool to drive the video hosting needs of Firehawk-Systems
rndmsrvr mstdn
~17 users reported
free as in free beer
Stay and Talk
~3 users reported
Hier tröten wir gemeinsam über IT, Pen and Paper, Gaming, Hobbys und lernen neue Menschen kennen. Der perfekte Ort für einen Plausch.
~5 users reported
An instance focused on St. Louis, MO. #STL
~11 users reported
A Division by Zer0
~2 users reported
A bug in the code of the universe
~11 users reported
The Packet Factory
~7 users reported
~13 users reported
~4 users reported