Fediverse | Servers | Members
~14 users reported
~6 users reported
Suomalainen Mastodon-palvelin noheville naapurinhenkilöille. Ajellaan mastodonin main-haaraa vaikkei suositellakaan, kiäh.
~6 users reported
~13 users reported
~6 users reported
~66 users reported
Mastodon è un social network non commerciale, federato e decentralizzato. Saronno One è una istanza italiana offerta e gestita dal quotidiano online IlSaronno.
~16 users reported
~8 users reported
guerrill.art --> made for creative minds: a digital community for artists, designers, coders, hackers, activists and inventors - for socializing and learning...
~7 users reported
Follow The Money Mastodon Server
~13 users reported
Dit is de Mastodon Server van Follow the Money FTM, hierop delen onze redacteuren hun artikelen.
NodeSpace Social
~8 users reported
This is a server is ran by NodeSpace Hosting. Systems, programming, open source, and more!
DavBot PeerTube
~11 users reported
A PeerTube instance for DavBot and Frenz.
~7 users reported
~9 users reported
ken doo can do
The File Explorers Club
~7 users reported
The File Explorers Club is a private server for a group of friends who wanted their own instance and also really love files; we can't get enough of files.
LoNET Mastodon
~6 users reported
Ein deutscher Mastodon Server, im Regelbetrieb seit Juli 2023.
~8 users reported
~7 users reported
~10 users reported
Tepitus • Mastodon
~6 users reported
Familieninternes Soziales Netzwerk von Tepitus
~7 users reported
Seungjin's Mastodon Server
~8 users reported
Seungjin's personal mastodon account.
The instance hosts some of his bots as well.
~15 users reported
A free and welcoming Virtual Reality Mastodon instance, VRParty! Join and be free from ADS, Trackers, and data harvesting.
Typing Ink
~8 users reported
Typing ink on onto digital paper for distribution via digital pigeons.
~9 users reported
Dies ist ein privater "Family & Friends"-Server, um dem Familien- und Freundeskreis ein alternatives soziales Netzwerk näherbringen zu können.