Fediverse | Servers | Members
~8 users reported
Small instance for some Australian nerds. If you know one of our users, they can invite you - otherwise find a server open for registrations at https://joinmastodon.org/servers
~4 users reported
ScorpInc Social, a social network you will trust.
Built on the Mastodon social network and part of the Fediverse, interdimensional multiverse, and temporalverse that make us the number one choice for corporations, families, and lichs of untold power.
~8 users reported
This is a personal server, meant for us to communicate each on their own terms
The Quux World fediverse node
~9 users reported
Quux World was almost an invitation-only foocamp/barcamp thunk up in 2019. We still have the online infrastructure we started building, including this Fediverse node.
Sérgio Lima no Fediverse
~5 users reported
Uma instância privada e pessoal do Friendica conversando com o Fediverse.
~8 users reported
A place where old friends can meet in the Fediverse! Home of the popular 9 o'clock #HashTagGames. Specialty server, invite only at this time.
Embassy of Awesomeness
~7 users reported
Thirteen Bells
~3 users reported
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Welcome to 13 Bells, a respite from the commercial social media platforms.
~84 users reported
~8 users reported
~3 users reported
~11 users reported
~8 users reported
a friends and family instance
Styxhexenhammer666 on the fediverse
~62 users reported
a video archive
meow church
~13 users reported
the church of meow
Routing Center
~8 users reported
The official Mastodon server for GoldenPvP Network's team
~8 users reported
A fresh & still tiny Mastodon instance for the game development community in Berlin and elsewhere.
The Vortex
~12 users reported
This server is for friends and members of The Vortex Night Club, one of the oldest clubs in Second Life.
The Vortex Official Website: https://vortexclub.co.uk/
~20 users reported
~11 users reported
Cheeki Breeki Express
~19 users reported
Cheeki Breeki Express (CBEX): A collection of data logisticians, engineers, and chaos wranglers.
Eorzea Social
~13 users reported
Small cozy instance for Warriors of Light who spend way too much time in Final Fantasy XIV. If this sounds like you, feel free to sign up and join us!
~17 users reported
Japan-based, small and personal instance hosted by a group of friends.
DLearning videoplatform
~11 users reported
PeerTube is een open mediaplatform dat online toegang biedt tot audiovisueel materiaal dat weer geplaatst kan worden in andere omgevingen. Vergelijkbaar met YouTube en Vimeo maar dan open source.
~18 users reported
Everyone welcome.
This instance does not federate with Meta.