Fediverse | Servers | Members
~5 users reported
~6 users reported
Scene World Magazine
~5 users reported
This is the Mastodon server of the journalistic project "Scene World", where we toot about all our projects.
~108 users reported
dotArt's writing corner
MudHut Social
~10 users reported
MudHut Social: A friendly space for all to share & connect
~6 users reported
~10 users reported
Mastodon 15/15\15
~19 users reported
Instancia Mastodon de la revista 15/15\15, gestionada por el Instituto Resiliencia / Asociación Touda. Comunidad virtual de personas suscriptoras, colaboradoras, simbióticas y amigas de 15/15\15.
~12 users reported
cincy.social is a Mastodon instance for people living in or otherwise connected to the Cincinnati area.
~5 users reported
Hallo auf amateurfunk.social Dies ist eine deutschsprachige Mastodon-Instanz für Funk- und Technikbegeisterte zum tröten, neue Leute kennenlernen, sich auszutauschen und Spass zu haben.
~15 users reported
Mastodon server made for the Pokemon Go community
~27 users reported
A generalized Sharkey instance for Furries and LGBT (all inclusive). Manual registration approval required!
~6 users reported
Snug Town
~6 users reported
Private server for a few friends. By invite only. If you'd like an account here, please contact @ducksauz@snug.town. We actively moderate against racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
~17 users reported
囧 古文 意为光明
~20 users reported
Generalized Mastodon instance. Have any evil spirit issues lately?
~7 users reported
Mastodon sur parleur.net
~7 users reported
Mastodon@Modern Industry
~62 users reported
A server run for the family, friends, colleagues, and guests of Mike Karliner.
This a new instance, so bear with me.
Blasmusik zum tröten
~6 users reported
Eine Mastodon-Instanz für Blasmusiker:innen und Blasmusikbegeisterte. Hier darf laut getrötet werden.
~7 users reported
Kleine Instanz für Freund*innen.
Physical Chemistry
~10 users reported
Mastodon instance for Chemists, Physicists, and everyone in-between.
Run by early career scientists.
~5 users reported
Vltava.cloud - Mastodon
~9 users reported
Česká instance (přípojný bod do) Mastodon sítě. Registrovat se může kdokoli.
Provozovatelem je soukromá osoba na dedikovaném serveru s přípojkou 1 Gbps se záložnim zdrojem.
~7 users reported
Eine Instanz, für Menschen in und um Göttingen. Privat organisiert. Ihr wollt dabei sein? Schreibt flo@goettingen.social an oder admin@goettingen.social!