Fediverse | Servers | Members
~4 users reported
Asturias.red es una instancia de Mastodon de uso personal.
Blubrry Podcasting
~9 users reported
This is the Blubrry Podcasting mastodon server that is for Blubrry customers. Sign up using your Blubrry.com email address associated with your Blubrry account for verification.
~4 users reported
Formu1a Social
~23 users reported
welcome to the formula 1 focused mastodon instance!
WYBT.net Mastodon Instance
~3 users reported
A small distributed mastodon instance to do stupid things. Run by AS59645, open to all.
~6 users reported
The Crows Nest
~11 users reported
A private server for members of the crows nest.
~3 users reported
I solved the "Which server to join" conundrum by starting my own. If you're after a server to join, feel free :)
We will not be federating with Facebook.
~3 users reported
Carol Nichols and Jake Goulding's Mastodon server
Eva en Emma's safe space
~4 users reported
We houden het veilig. We houden het prettig. Met jarenlange ervaring met het modereren van een echtemensenforum denken we dat ons dit ook wel moet lukken.
~3 users reported
~3 users reported
Be Hapyyr - A Fediverse Server
~6 users reported
My personal mastodon server. If you want to access it, contact me. I can host up to 10 people.
~6 users reported
~3 users reported
Private server for the woolly among us!
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
This server is dedicated to high school, college, community, and professional marching bands and color guards.
~5 users reported
xTom Social
~3 users reported
xTom's own social platform, registration is closed.
~3 users reported
A private server for Bram & Bram
~3 users reported
just a chill, tiny server for some friends ✿
~3 users reported
~4 users reported
Phy’s Castaway Bottles
~4 users reported
~3 users reported