Fediverse | Servers | Members
buy shitpost cheap
~2 users reported
A small instance for a queer friend circle. If you know any of us and want an account here, feel free to request an invite.
Mastodon Glitch Edition
~2 users reported
Fossils & Fiction
~2 users reported
A podcast about prehistoric stories and palaeomedia
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Private instance. No registration allowed, posts are deleted base on their age.
~2 users reported
Hier findet Ihr den Mastodon-Server von "sternfuehrer.space". Dieser Server steht zukünftig allen Astronomiebegeisterten, Amateurastronomen und Raumfahrtinteressierten zur Verfügung.
~2 users reported
This is a private server.
LierschIT - Öffentlicher Mastodon Server
~3 users reported
Dies ist eine private Mastodon Server Instanz auf der Domain Liersch.IT.
Eine Registrierung ist nur bekannten Personen vorbehalten.
~3 users reported
Servidor oficial de wikidex.net
The Smol Cafe
~2 users reported
Just a smol server for personal use and branding~
~2 users reported
A mastodon instance for my furry self and my friends. Moderated by me. Hosted on OnePlus 6 with mobian
Turystyka Niecodzienna
~2 users reported
Nie tylko oczywiste zwiedzanie
Federated Hub Directory
~1 users reported
United States
~1 users reported
Mastodon - TuxTux
~2 users reported
My personal freedom... ;-)
K@rstens Mastodon Server
~3 users reported
Dieses ist ein privater Server für einige wenige Freunde und Bekannte
Dyne.org TV
~3 users reported
🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽💻 Code to share freedom. Dyne.org is a digital community and free software foundry. We share tools, practices and narratives that empower artists, creatives and citizens in the digital age.
Wereldforum Theo & Filip
~2 users reported
Laatste nieuws en trends rond "ALLES" wat U zoekt op Het Internet 👍😃
~2 users reported
some words and silences
Entrepreneur's Enigma
~3 users reported
A Podcast About The Ups and Downs Of Entrepreneur Life
RushWorx Labs
~2 users reported
Computers, Cars, Gaming.
~2 users reported
Świat z twistem
~2 users reported
notatnik: polityka, marginesy, media, społeczeństwo, historie i histerie.
~4 users reported
Hier findest du meinen digitalen Rückzugsort – weit weg von den Stürmen des Internets und den Wellen der Negativität.
Lemmy - Personal Lemmy Instance
~6 users reported
Personal Lemmy Instance