Fediverse | Servers | Members
Bene Homini Social
~18 users reported
A community for people interested in long-term thinking that benefits everyone.
~7 users reported
~46 users reported
Tourtoise & Hare
~3 users reported
Electric Teardrop Travels
~19 users reported
A Mastodon instance by Doisters, for Doisters.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Founded in January 2023, this has been a one-person instance. But I'm open to letting it grow into a space for fellow advocates of human rights, democracy, peacebuilding, and justice.
Collider bias
~7 users reported
This server is for people interested in discussing causal inference, statistics, and philosophy of science. Also obscure memes and the worst puns this side of a nine-year-old. Welcome, both of you.
~22 users reported
The ONLY server on Inaccessible Island! (ha ha)
~2 users reported
~7 users reported
~8 users reported
~14 users reported
VRChat? ChilloutVR? VR? Gaming? und Hardware? Dann bist du bei Gamingecke genau richtig! Deine Social VR Instanz!
Themeparks Social
~6 users reported
Let's talk about all things themeparks!
~10 users reported
JabJab.de Mastodon
~7 users reported
Mastodon für alle, betrieben von JabJab.de
~7 users reported
A small cozy server for me and my friends to last out the wave of new folks
Just Follow
~7 users reported
Open-source social networking run by Precedence Technologies in Cambridge. Mainly for our customers, staff and their pet projects.
~9 users reported
Die meissa community.
~28 users reported
Roeckoe 🐦
~6 users reported
Home to the Roeckoe family & some friends
XY-SPACE Mastodon
~10 users reported
Freedom of expression is our slogan! Свобода самовыражения - наш девиз! La liberté d'expression est notre devise ! Sananvapaus on mottomme! Свобода слова - наш девіз! Meinungsfreiheit ist unser Motto!
Twoot Space
~8 users reported
A small server made by some nerds for friends and acquaintances.
~9 users reported
~13 users reported